chapter ten.

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sorry for the short chapter guys, my computers about to die. ill upload from the desktop later! 


Liam's POV***

Paige had moved in a few months ago, and everything had been quite amaazing ever since. i know it was in love with her, and she knew she was in love with me. She never cared if we talked about Dani, she said she knew Danielle was still important to me and she shouldn't be pushed out just because Paige was a major part of my life. i let the thought fade as i felt Paige roll over in bed and groan at how bright it was outside.

"Ugh, this is rediculous!" she said as her eyes adjusted to the light.

i chuckled at her. She was so beautiful in the morning , hell she was beautiful anytime! "well love, im sorry but theres really nothing i can do about the sun! if i could , i would though, for you."

This made her smile her beautiful smile and she simply laughed as she cuddled up to me in our king sized bed. i was almost sleep when Louis and Harry burst into the room, "KEEP IT PG, THERE ARE CHILDREN IN THE ROOOOM!!!!!" Louis really had a set of lungs on him. Harry jumped on the bed and gave Paige and I a big hug before she pushed him on the floor.

"BOOBEAR! Paigiiiiiiebooo doesnt love me anymore!" Harry pretended to cry while Louis consoled him. 

"I DO LOVE YOU HAZZZA! you're my loooooovvvvvvuuuuuh!" she screamed, while jumping from the bed to the floor where Harry was.

"see i knew you couldn't resist my charm!"

"oh shut up styles, thats my woman!" i said playfully.

"but, shes mine...." Loouis' face was suddenly very serious.

"No lou, Paige is not mary. or Eleanor for that matter. she is ver-" 

"SHES MIIIIIIIIIIINE!!!!!!!" Paige couldn't stop laughing even if she wanted to. 

I did the easiest thing, i got ut of bed walked over to where Paige, Lou, and Harry were all laughing, picked my sweetheart up, and walked away. She was still laughing as I set her down on the bar stool and got the skillet and eggs out. Lou and Haz walked back in and sat on both sides of Paige while i cooked breakfast for everyone. 

Niall skipped into the kitchen yellling, " Breaaaakfast for me, me me me meeeeee!" We all laughed and joked around until we heard Zayns door open, this was going to end very badly.

instead, zayn walked out all happy and said, "VAS' HAPPENIN'? " we all relaxed instantly and happily went back to our banter. soon the eggs were done and we were all eating away when there was a knock on the door. Paige and i both exchanged looks before i got up and answered the door. I was immidiately bombed by five or six fangirls before my head hit the floor, then came the blackness.....

i should've kissed you (a one direction fan fiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt