chapter two.

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Hey guys ! really hope you're enjoying the story so far! im gonna try to post 2 chpters a night so i dont leve you guys hangin' lol.

this chapter is kinda interesting, but fun all in the same . hope you like it !


sandy! xx


I looked up to a shocked looking Liam who had saved me from hurting myself. i looked into his beautiful brown eyes and also noticed that he was still smiling but with beet red cheeks this time. "You should be more careful yah know." he quickly helped me up and handed me the cleaning supplies, " Start wherever you like, just make suure you shut the door when you're done so we know which rooms are clean or not."

i looked up at him and smiled as i politely replied, " Uhh, sure, i'll come and tell you when im done for the day!" and with that i started off to the room closest to my left. i slipped in and shut the door. when i turned around i found a horrid slight, clothes were strewn every where and dont even get me started on the dished piled on the night stand,"This is definitely nialls room. I walked over to the hamper and started throwing all the clothes on the floor in it. i then walked over to the sheets and stripped them off the bed, i walked back out into the halway and opened the supply closet to find a new pair of sheets. i grabbed the sheets, walked back to the bedroom, and finished what i started.

**6 hours lately**

i finally fished all the room in the house and had just finished folding and sorting the laundry when Louis walked into the Front foyer, "Done for the day love?" 'god his accent was hot' i thought to myself. 

"Sure am Louis, ill be back around the same time tomorrow. Is that okay?" i pondered looking him right in the eyes.

he smiled as he said, "thats great, wait whats your number? if theres a cleaning emergency id like to call and let you know about it." i laughed and we exchanged numbers, then i drove back to my apartment to find my sister cooking speghetti on the stove.

"good first day" she looked me up and down with a bewildered expression.

"LONG first day, i swear those boys are messier than a rat in a sewer!" i sighed as i went straight to the bathroom. i jumped in the shower and let the hot water relax my muscles. when the water got cold i got out and wet to dress in my pajamas. i had on sweats and my favorite jack wills hoodie as i flopped down on my bed, i crawled under the covers and let my dreams take hold of my tired body.

i woke up very thirsty, i looked over at my sister to see her peacefully asleep as i was just moments ago. i got up and walked to the kitch and grabbed a cup out of th dishwasher. i walked to the fridge and pulled out the first thing i saw, orange juice. Yummy! i gulped down the glass and went back to bed. This time, it took twenty minutes for my brain to shut down , but when it did , i was so comfortable no one could disturb me...

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