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Paiges POV***

Its already been a month and a half. Today is the day we plan on telling the boys! I sat on the couch while all the other boys finally filed into Liam and I's spacious flat. Harry sat next to me and was trying to joke around, but i kept a serious face on, recalling the plan liam and i had come up with, "What's wrong P? 

I sighed as i walked over to where Liam was in front of the tv, " Theres something we both need to tell you.... and it's pretty serious..." Every bodys eeyes got wide and harry and lou were quickly on the virge of tears, "Uhm, well....WE'RE PREGNANT!" Haz screamed so loud i think i went deaf in one ear. Lou fainted on his way towards us. Niall and Zayn just stood there with their jaws dropped to the floor. It took about a half an hour of convincing and three times of passing the pregnancy test around for them to believe it. 


'Oooooooooooooooooooooooh! can it have a carrot nusery?!"

"I'll take it to nandos every day so it can eat real food !"


All the boys seemed happy for us. Liam just kept his arm around my waist the entire time as we talked about plans and names and such. before i knew they were all walking out the door and liam was carrying me to bed, "goodnight my love." i couldnt even reply. i was falling into a deep sleep with liams arms around me and our unborn child.

2 months later**

Liam's POV***

when i say Paige was showing , i mean she was SHOWING. She wasn't fat, oh never ever. but she was only about four months and she looked seven. Today we had an ultra sound to find out the sex of the baby, and i couldnt be happier. This baby, and paige were my life now. sure i still love working with the guys, if it hadnt been for one direction i wouldn't of et the beautiful woman that i have ! But i have a family now, and they come first. I snapped out of my thoughts as the doctor led us to the tech room. I held Paige's hand as the ultra sound tech squirting the blue gel on her lower abdomen, "EEEP!" Paiges squeal filled the room . I just laughed as she apologized and sadi it was very cold. The ultra tech turned on the screen and starting moving the little camera around Paiges tummy. I saw a head, and arms, and legs, and then....Another head? what? 

"Well, it seems like your having twins!" I looked at the woman confused and then at paige, who had the same look.

"WHAT?!" we both said in unison. 

"I said twins, would you like to know the sex?" I automatically nodded my head. I was excited i was having two kids ! Id always wanted a big family! "well, it looks like...Two boys! congradulations" and with that she left the room. 

i looked at paige who was smiling like an idiot, "boys? two? Oh boy !" she exclaimed! I just nodded my head. after she cleaned the gel off her stomache we went to the car and on our way home, thought about names.


"NO! i had a bad experience with one in eighth grade, so screw that pooh!"

"Alright, how about James? Like your dream? James edward Payne?"

"Yes ! Perfect! And for the other one, hmmm...Hunter Louis Payne!"

"Gosh, youre gonna be a great mother  ya'know!?" 

"and you'll be a great father!" With that i parked the car and went to help her out. we walked into the flat and stopped in the kitchen, i kissed her gently and said, "I love you."

i should've kissed you (a one direction fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now