In the freezing, lonely water

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"I love you, Jack," Rose said, trembling, lying on top of a wooden door. It was part of the Titanic wreck, and Jack in the water next to her.

"Don't you do that. Don't you say your goodbyes. Not yet. Do you understand me?" Jack shivered in the icy 28 degree Atlantic Ocean water on the early morning of April 15.

"I'm so cold." Rose could not think straight, it seemed as if the cold was taking over her whole body.

"Listen Rose, you're going to get out of here. You're going to go on, and you're going to make lots of babies, and you're going to watch 'em grow. You're going to die an old lady, warm in your bed. Not here. Not this night. Not like this, do you understand me?" Jack forced out, his breathing labored.

"I can't feel my body," Rose whispered.

"Winning that ticket Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me.It brought me to you. And I'm thankful for that, Rose. You must do me this honor. You must promise me that you'll survive. That you won't give up no matter what happens, no matter how hopeless you feel Promise me now, Rose," Jack stuttered, the cold was taking over. "And never let go of that promise."

"I promise" Rose pushed out as Jack grabbed her hand.

"Never let go" Jack said again, looking intently at Rose

"I'll never let go Jack, I'll never let go." Rose passionately promised, and Jack's freezing blue lips curved up in a smile. He started to blow on his hands, one of which were tightly wrapped around Rose's hand, but he did not let go.


"Come Josephine in my flying machine. Going up, she goes. Up, she goes" Rose sang softly as she shivered from the cold. Some time had passed, but she did not know how long it had been. Then she saw a bright light up ahead. It was a lifeboat! Rose shifted on the board.

"Jack," Rose whispered, "Jack, wake up. There's a lifeboat here to save us!" Jack didn't respond.

"Jack? Jack!" Rose shook him gently but he didn't stir. She kept shaking him, to try to get him to wake up, but then she realized that he must be dead, and her body shook with grief. Rose lay back down on the door. She wanted to just be there and die with him, stay with him in Heaven. But then she remembered her promise to Jack. That she would move on with her life, do everything she wanted to do, to not miss out on things, to survive, even without him.

Rose clung on tightly to that promise, the only thing she had to remember him by besides their beautiful memories. The lifeboat was rowing away, but Rose knew what she had to do. Rose slipped into the water, shivering, and hauled Jack onto the floating door. Even though he would not survive, this way his body would be found. Breathing heavily and quivering, Rose gently pressed her lips to Jack's hands, his beautiful artistic hands that she had fell in love with just a few days prior.

"I'll never let go, Jack," Rose whispered, tears streaming down her face. She kissed his hand one last time, and gently pried his fingers off of her hand, still wrapped tightly around her wrist. Rose reached down into the water and found the bottom of her dress, which was in tatters. She found a rip, and pulled it so a piece came off. She put it in Jack's pocket. Although he was dead, Rose wanted to be a part of him. She wanted him to remember her, in life and death, if the afterlife was real.

Rose determinedly paddled over to a dead man who had a whistle. She started blowing into it, hard.

She heard shouts coming from a distance, and saw lights flashing from the lifeboat. Rose continued to blow, and finally the lifeboat located her and came to save her.

2 men lifted her into the lifeboat, and someone wrapped blankets around her, but she didn't know who because that's when she passed out from the cold.

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