"I think we've got everything, Cas." Dean insisted. "Let's get this show on the road!"

"We should totally write 'Comic-Con or bust' on the side of the car!" Charlie suggested.

"Charles, you harm one inch on my baby and I'll scalp you and make you a warning sign for others who even think about messing with my car." Charlie slowly backed away and climbed into the backseat.

"What would you do if somebody messed with me?" Cas asked curiously, seeing how protective Dean was with his car. Dean smiled and pulled Cas close to him.

"Angel," He began sweetly. "If anyone dared to mess with you, I would viciously torture them for several years before dismembering them and leaving them in a rotten ditch in which they could rot and die for the rest of eternity." Cas grinned.

"Awwww," he offered, giving Dean a quick kiss before they got in the car and started their drive.


5:00 a.m. June 15th

Dean was humming along to the Blue Oyster Cult as they drove through Kansas. Cas had fallen sleep, and his head was slowly sliding off the seat and onto Dean's shoulder. 

Not that Dean minded that at all, of course.

Sam was pressed against the window of the backseat, sound asleep and drooling slightly. Gabriel was curled up next to him, his head resting on the moose's lap. Charlie had her head tilted back and she was snoring lightly, all of them out cold.

Dean fought the urge to laugh at them, and smiled instead. It was fun to take a road trip with friends.

Or at least while they were asleep.


9:50 a.m. June 15th

It was about time somebody woke up, Dean thought. Everyone else in the car was still fast asleep, and frankly, Dean was bored. He needed entertainment, and no matter how much he gently nudged Cas, his boyfriend stubbornly wouldn't wake up.

Dean assumed it was because he really wasn't trying that hard to wake Cas up- he didn't want to disturb his little angel. But since he had to do that to wake p the rest of the car.....

Smirking, Dean switched the cassette on the radio, cranked the volume of the speakers, and pressed play.

Van Halen's Eruption exploded through the car, and Cas, Charlie, Sam, and Gabriel jolted awake.

"GAY PORN!" Charlie screamed, jumping awake.

"FUCKING MARIO KART!" Gabriel yelped, launching up.

"SEXY BRITISH SATAN!" Cas screeched.

"Morning," Sam said calmly, rubbing his eyes. Dean burst out laughing.

"Oooooh, you bitch," Charlie scowled at him.

"That was awesome!" Dean cackled. "I should've recorded that!"

"What- Charlie waking up screaming Gay porn?" Gabriel asked.

"Cas, since when is Satan British?" Sam questioned. Cas looked confused.

"Should I be jealous?" Dean asked. 

"I have no idea what I said." Cas admitted. "Gabe- why did you say fucking Mario Kart?"

"....Reasons..." Gabe said ominously. "So! What's for breakfast?"

"There's a Cracker Barrel at the next exit," Dean offered. "That'll work." They all fell silent.

"Dean?" Charlie asked as they got off the exit.

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