Part 28 - Messages from near and far

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Psst... play the video above while reading this chapter. It will set the mood. 😊😊

"What are you doing up, you idiot?? you are not feeling well yet!!"

Desiree rolled her eyes, already fed up by Clara's incessant nagging. The girl was like an old overprotective grandma. As soon as she returned from her work at the theatre, she would fuss over Desiree's health as if she were a mother hen clucking over her chicks.

"I am just cleaning this room, Clara, not taking over the household chores. You know I can't stand to lie in bed all day. I feel quite fine today."

"Well, do not come moaning to me when you find yourself suffering from headaches and fever again! See if I will care then." Clara huffed and put her hands on her waist, glaring at Desiree. Despite her diminished spirits, Desiree found herself smiling at her endearing temper. Something about Clara made her miss Sharon terribly as Desiree found out more and more similarities between the two of them.

Desiree sighed in compliance and sat back down on the coverlet of the tiny bed. "Alright, I AM resting now. Are you satisfied?"

Only then Clara's facial expression softened. She stepped forward and sat down on a chair near the bed, facing Desiree.

"Now that you are feeling better, we need to talk about the story behind your injuries.."

Desiree tensed up immediately and her eyes grew troubled as the carefree, teasing glint fled her face right away. She diverted her eyes from Clara's and her hand picked at a non-existent thread on the bedding. She whispered,

"I do not wish to talk about it."

"I will accept no excuses, Desiree. Your head injury was quite serious and you are acting like a shell of the old you before. All cheerfulness had bled out of you. I need to know what happened to you. Madame Giry was also worried. Did... did HE do that to you?", Clara's voice was soft but firm.

"No, it was an accident! I injured myself." Desiree rushed to answer.

Clara looked unimpressed by her haste in defending him. She kept on pinning Desiree with her pointed look.

"Please, Clara. I am grateful that you took me in. However, the less you know, the better it is for you."

Clara sighed and continued,

"I can't understand how you never open up to me. You always act mysterious and secretive. If it was not for you saving my life, I would have lost patience with you a long time ago. As it happens, I know that you possess a kind heart and would never intentionally hurt a soul."

Desiree's eyes began to glimmer with unshed tears,

"You are too kind, I do not deserve a friend like you, Clara." She sighed out.

Clara just waved her hand like the issue of her kindness was nothing worth mentioning.

"I explained Madame Giry about your injury. She agreed that you should take time to recover."

Desiree was grateful for that.

"Please tell her I am thankful, Clara."

"I will, and she told me that she could hold your position vacant for the time being. Then, you can come back to the theatre..."

Desiree thought of dark corners in the theatre and the one Opera Ghost who hated her guts...

"No, I might not decide to go back there for work, Clara." Desiree interrupted.

The girl immediately looked crestfallen.

"Oh no, why not, Desiree? Previously, you were not even afraid of the police. If you are worried about your identity, rest assured that not one word was leaked by Madame Giry, Meg or I."

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