Part 3 - Job Interview

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Author Note: I do not own any character from the Phantom of the Opera books/ musical/ movie. Only my characters (Desiree, Sharon, the old musician) and any others I may add along the story are mine. 

I would like to dedicate this part to Jessno2002 for being my first and dedicated audience and voting on the chapters. You inspired me to finish this part quicker than I expected.

Part 3 – Job interview

"Derrick, you say?", the man echoed and tilted his head, studying her. Desiree saw a glint of white on the right side of his face which confirmed her suspicions. Her inner fan girl was squealing and jumping around but she managed to school her face into a hopefully macho frown. Puffing out her chest, she said "I am not a thief, Monsieur; I am merely looking for someone of the authority to ask for a job here. Could you kindly direct me to Monsieur Firmin's or Monsieur Andre's office?"

Erik still seemed skeptical, but she must have looked less hostile since he dropped the lantern from her face and turned around. "Seeing as you do not have anything in your hand, I shall believe that you are not a thief. Come.". He started walking away and Desiree rushed to follow him. Only Desiree's muffled footsteps sounded in the corridor and she marveled at his agility despite his towering physique. As his cloak swirled behind him, she caught the scent of candles and leather, the combination oddly comforting. Thankfully, the man did not smell like the underground dungeon he lived in. The thought made Desiree suppress a giggle.

The Phantom broke the silence again, "I am curious, boy. This Opera is mine and Monsieur Lefevre runs it for me. Why would you ask to meet these two gentlemen if you wish to seek employment here?".

Ah, so she was at the very beginning of the timeline. The theatre staff had not been made aware of the ownership change and apparently, even the all-knowing Opera Ghost did not have a clue yet. She smiled and replied,

"I heard that Monsieur Firmin and Monsieur Andre would be running the theatre because Monsieur Lefevre is retiring soon. My sources are mostly accurate so I am quite sure of it, Monsieur."

"Hmm, there have been rumours, but if what you say is indeed true, then I need to make preparations to welcome the new owners", Erik sounded thoughtful. They reached a dark alcove of the theatre and he reached up to hang the lantern on the wall. Desiree glimpsed high cheekbones and a strong jawline on his unmasked side of the face before he retreated into the shadows again. "You seem like a quick-witted chap. Tell me, what is your tale, Derrick, and what brought you to my theatre?"

Desiree wrecked her mind again to think of more convincing stories. She felt pretty anxious as she was never good at lying and the fact that she could feel his stare on her face did not make matters easier. Once again, her poor brain spilled the worse kind of information.

"I am an orphan. I ran away from a circus to find my own path in the world, Monsieur"

('Are you out of your MIND, Deedee??! You just told him his own story, minus the deformity! How do you expect him to believe that!!') She could almost hear Sharon's sarcastic voice in her head and cringed.

Erik was silent for such a long time that Desiree started wondering if he was still there or he had simply left. When she was about to call tentatively, he spoke.

"How would you like to work for me, Boy? I will pay you handsomely and you shall have lodging in my lair. After all, you were hoping to work for the Theatre's owner, were you not?"

Desiree could not believe her ears! The Phantom is offering her a job, and she would get to stay in his lair. She considered her options. Even if she could get a job as a stagehand, there was no way she could sleep in dorms filled with filthy, drunk men. Erik is in love with Christine and thinks Desiree is a boy so there is no foreseeable danger or flaw for her in his proposed arrangement. As a bonus, she would get to listen to all of his songs too! There was only one thing worrying her. "If I am to work for you, I need to know who you are and what is it that I am supposed to do? Don't ask me to kill anyone, I won't do it!"

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