Part 14 - Chaotic Opera

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Author Note: I do not own any character / song from the Phantom of the Opera books/ musicals/ movie. Only my characters (Desiree, Sharon, the old violinist, Alice, Clara, Madame Dubos) and any others I may add along the story are mine. I do not own the picture and video above. 

Part 14 – Chaotic Opera

Desiree gazed at the blood red rose tied with a black ribbon sitting on the vanity. Her hand continued its designated chore of sewing the gown absentmindedly but her mind was swirling with chaotic thoughts.

The new production of Il Muto will be opening tonight. The scene that she is dreading the most will happen tonight.

Desiree remembered feeling terrified as a little girl watching the final scenes of act I from the Phantom of the Opera for the first time.

Carlotta losing her voice bizarrely...

Monsieur Andre cautiously declaring that Christine will replace Carlotta...

Joseph Buquet's body dropping like a rag doll from rafters while the Phantom laughed manically in the background...

Desiree was terrified again tonight, although for a totally different scene, the scene on the roof of the Opera house. 

Christine and Raoul will confess their feelings for each other and the Phantom will see it. He was so happy that Christine accepted his face and Desiree know that seeing it will crush him.

Desiree thought back to his rushed words and his childlike enthusiasm this morning...

"Leave the rose here in the room, I want to give it to her in person. Can you also make your wonderful roasted beef for supper? Do not forget the wine, too! I have to go to the theatre for preparations.", he paused near the door, turned to Desiree and smiled.

"You have my gratitude for doing this, my friend."

Then, with a swish of the cloak, he went out, leaving Desiree with a shocked expression on her face.

('Arrgh.. he is killing me with all the niceness and calling me his friend. I feel so guilty. What if I just say a little something to him, maybe not to get his hopes up too much? It should not be qualified as 'Prophesising', should it?')


Desiree squeaked as she pricked her hand with the needle. The wound was pretty deep, and before she could put her finger in her mouth, a drop of blood welled and stained the white satin folds.

Christine's wedding dress...

Desiree could not risk facing the consequences of prophesising now. She did not want to leave him to face all this bitterness alone. Moreover, she was sure he would not believe anything she says.

Desiree whispered...
"Oh.. Erik... what am I going to do with you?"

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

          Desiree was double-checking the curtain ropes that evening when someone shouted that Madame Dubos needed her in the prima donna room.

          Upon entering the said room, she was greeted (or, rather, choked) by a cloud of powder.

          *Cough*... *Cough* ...

          "Madame Dubos, did you ask for me?"

          "Oui, oui, Derrick, I am here.", Madame Dubos emerged from the powder cloud, waving around a hand to disperse it. She was sweating profusely and some powder stuck to her red face in patches, making her look like an overly tired clown at the end of his working day. Behind her, Carlotta in a pannier (hoop skirt) was furiously puffing up another powder storm in front of a full-length mirror. Clara knelt near the vanity, adjusting Carlotta's pannier while a hairdresser fussed over a tall wig on Carlotta's head. Clara raised her hand in greeting to Desiree but abruptly went back to her job, seemingly afraid of Carlotta.

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