Part 26 - Revealed secrets, broken hearts

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A few days later...on a dark evening...

A lone petite figure walked out hurriedly from a side door of the Opera Populaire. From any viewpoint, you could see that it was a girl. However, it was hard to determine who she was, as the dreary weather and her face hidden under the hood did not give away any hint of her identity. The girl walked briskly, clutching the lining of her cloak and keeping her head down. Time to time, she would look back towards the Opera Populaire, as if she was suspicious of something, or someone following her.

Soon, the girl made it to the market place. She made a quick stop at a small shop and held the purchased item in her hand. She then walked towards the town centre and stood at the crossroads, craning her neck to see any sign of passing traffic. As if her unspoken wishes were granted by angels, a carriage drawn by a dark horse emerged from the snow. The driver of the carriage also wore a heavy hooded cloak, as if attempting to defy the bitter weather. He reined the horse and stopped the carriage just in front of the girl, nodding at her by way of asking for her destination.

The girl spoke very quietly from under the hood. If one weren't paying attention, they wouldn't have caught her low, trembling voice in the whipping icy winds. However, the carriage driver nodded again, agreeing with her proposed price. He gestured for her to climb in the carriage without a word and the girl scrambled to climb up into the carriage and disappeared inside. The dark horse was then nudged by the driver and it galloped forward onto the snow-strewn street, the sounds of hooves muffled by the already forming thin layer of snow.

Soon, they arrived at her destination. The girl got off the carriage and paid the man. In her hurry to get off, she did not even pause to consider the hand that accepted the coin, which was covered by leather gloves. She stood in front of her destination, gazing at the gate with flowers she purchased in her hand. The carriage silently rolled away and with robotic, heavy steps, the girl made her way to a corner of the cemetery, towards a tombstone she could go even with her eyes closed...


Her unseeing eyes filled with tears as she neared and neared the grave of her dear father. She gingerly sat in front of the stone, brushed her hands on it to remove the already-piling snow and caressed the inscription.

Gustave Daae

Beloved father

She set down her bouquet in front of the stone. Her voice was cracked with tears.

"Dada, I am back again, Little Lotte is back .. I never could stay away from you, just like I never could stay away from... from him... "

The girl shuddered, as if she felt the piercing chill just now. The hood fell back when a gust of wind blew wildly.

"Did you really send him, Dada? Is he the angel of Music you promised me? Do I believe him, or do I betray him? Do I help Raoul? Please, Dada, say something, anything!!" She hiccupped; the tears are coming stronger now, streaking down her lovely face.

"Dada, I miss you. Little Lotte misses you so badly. What shall I do without you? I feel so alone, Dada.."

As if on cue, a haunting voice flittered through the icy winds. The soft humming was both alluring and melancholy.

"Wandering child, so lost, so helpless, yearning for my guidance..."

The crying girl lifted her head and looked around, her eyes wide with shock.

"Dada, is that you? Or is that the Phantom??"

"Have you forgotten your angel?..."

"Angel...," Her eyes glazed over, like she was being hypnotized by the beautiful humming and the melodious tune. She started to rise slowly and walked towards a dark shadow nestled among the other tombstones and angel sculptures....

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