Part 24 - Making compromises

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Be warned, this chapter is not proofread.

Desiree's first reaction was to look at Clara. She grimaced at seeing pain in Desiree's eyes, but replied with a firm voice nonetheless.

"Yes, I know I promised you, Desiree, but I cannot cover up for you any longer. Especially when I found out that you are working for the Opera Ghost."

"How... How did you.." Desiree found herself stuttering.

"You used yards of red and black silk from the costume room. At first I thought you were making a suit for yourself, but today, I saw him with that costume. I had no choice but to go to Madame Giry", Clara said.

Desiree couldn't blame her. Clara was bound to be suspicious since Desiree had deceived her once already. She only had herself to blame for being slack.

Desiree just remembered that Madame Giry and Meg were also in the room with them. She turned around and faced them defiantly, a silver of bravery dawning in her mind, just like a cornered animal taking a last stand.

"All right, I did make his red death costume, and I covered up the fact that I was a girl. You can take any action on me. Take me to the police. I will not reveal anything else. I won't be disloyal to him.", she steeled her face to be impeccable.

"Who said that we will take you to the police?", Madame Giry calmly interjected, her face unreadable.

Desiree was caught by surprise. She faintly heard Clara's surprised exclamation in the background.

"What do you mean no police, aren't you going to give me to the authorities for associating with the Phantom?", Desiree asked incredulously.

Madame Giry gave her a long look. She then proceeded to explain her.

"I knew a few things about the Opera Ghost, having saved him myself many years ago. I covered up some of his mishaps over the years, and I still am doing so, from time to time. I know that he is living somewhere in the Opera House and he knows that I am aware of his actions. Do you think that the Phantom could survive all these years relying solely on his wits?" she added.

Fury gripped Desiree's heart. How dare Madame Giry speak as if she was Erik's friend, as if she was protecting him when she was the one who informed Raoul and led the mob to the door of his lair?

"Well, if you consider yourself his ally, then why would you tell Raoul about him? You knew the viscount will hunt him down!!"

As soon as the words were out her mouth, Desiree regretted it.

"How do you know what I just spoke to the Vicomte about? No one was present there, not even the Phantom.", Madame Giry asked, her intelligent eyes curious.

Desiree wasn't supposed to know that information. She pressed her lips together instead of answering.

The older women tilted her head, studying Desiree like a strange creature.

"You are of unkown origins, and you speak oddly. And you seem to have the strangest information. May I know where did you come from, do not lie, please?"

Desiree did not have a valid answer. She closed her eyes and sighed. 

"Please, I cannot answer that question, even if you kill me. You would not believe and I am not supposed to say. You have to believe that I do not wish unwell on both the Opera Populaire and the Phantom." She pleaded.

Madame Giry's eyes glittered, "Hmm, you are a fascinating one, Desiree. I'll let this go for now because I do believe you are close to the Opera Ghost and would be able to help me."

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