Cutting it short

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Well, first of ! Happy Birthday Liam! i hope it rained turtles and puppies for you! (:  

I'm very sorry i haven't written...blame school... and homework. 

aha! Thank you SO SO SO much! i FINALLY HIT THE 700 reads! o: I'm really crying guys, thank you so much!(: anywho! this is where the fun really begins... well for me c; *evil laugh* enjoy!  


Harry and I could hear people shuffling towards Amber, who was now walking towards us. 

"Harry run!" i hissed, gently pushing him, "What about the other lads?"  

I looked back and i could see that Monica, Cinthia and the boys were slowly tip-toeing away from the crowd when suddenly we heard, "Hey its One Direction!"  

Cameras flashed everywhere, girls screamed, everything was total chaos. 

Harry took my hand and we raced off into the night.  

Sadly, not in the romantic way. 




"Where do we go?!" i heard Harry yell, we were running as fast as we could away from the park, it was dark and those crazy fangirls were still chasing after us, "Turn to the right!"  

Harry and i ran like the devil was at our heels, we stumbled a few times but i knew this part of the town the best, "You brought us to a school?!" he yelled over the roaring screams of the fangirls. 

"Yes! now follow me!"  

I had led Harry to my first Elementary school ever, Annie S. Putegant Elementary. (Its an actual school!) Now the reason i chose this school was because right in front of it there was a giant fountain that never had water, my friends and i used to hide there when we didn't want to go to one of our classes.  




We jumped and slowly slid down to the bottom. 


We heard the crazy fangirls run, not stopping to check the fountain, thank the gods it was dark, if not they would've probably seen us.  

Harry was holding my hand, he tilted his head back. 

"We're in trouble aren't we?" i asked. 

He groaned and nodded, "So much" 

I kissed his hand, " They can't stay mad at you forever babe." 

"Its not me I'm worried about," he said as he looked at me.  

"Its okay."  

"No," he said... "they took pictures babe..."  

I stared at him, not really sure where this was going. 

"You don't understand do you?"  

I shook my head, "Nope, not one bit."  

"It means, you'll never have a normal life now because of me."  


I snorted, "Babe, with all due respect, you've met Amber, the she devil of a witch and Cameron, the crazy stalker ex- boyfriend. My life wasn't normal even before you came into it. So trust me, I'll be fine." 

Best vacation so far...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें