..come home with me?

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When we arrived at our hotel the first thing my two best friends did is push me towards the shower.

"why?" I kept asking.

"Because we need to make you gorgeous for Harry!" they both cried.

So while I was taking a shower the only thing that kept crossing my mind was Harry. Then the thought hit me! I mean seriously the shampoo bottle we brought hit me on the foot and I got the idea. I should invite One Direction to come to my house!

"Excellent!" I shouted to no one.

It didn't take ten minutes for Monica and Cinthia to finish showering, but as soon as they were out, they out, they came towards me. Monica did my makeup as well as pick the outfit while Cinthia curled my hair. (Even though it was already curly.)

When they finished I didn't even recognize myself in the mirror. This person, was in no way me. She had luscious cream lips, with dark, dark curls (the pretty curls) her face was flawless, her cheekbones were raised high, her skin radiated, the ruffled dress she wore looked perfect on her body, he had instant curves and on her neck was a little crown necklace.

"you always said you wanted to marry a British prince," said Monica. "I bought you a little something else."

I didn't know what to say, I was going to tear up, but before Cinthia could tell me not to cry, Monica snapped at me, "don't you DARE cry young lady! Or I will-" she paused for a moment, " or...I will do something you will not like!" she finished threatening me.

I smiled and hugged them, " I want to invite Harry over to my place for a month."

They both pulled back and starred at me, "Sammey, babe, you really need to stop telling us things like this. First it's the movie night then the sleepover,"

"I'm serious!" I cried, " I wanna bring the guys from One Direction to stay at my place."

"But you don't have enough room." said Monica.

"Actually I do, remember my parents bought a big house for a reason, they thought my aunt was moving in... And she has four kids. So four plus my uncle and aunt, is six....there's five people in One Direction."

"Brilliant!" cried Cinthia, "We should tell them."

"wait." said Monica quietly, " I think Sammey should tell them. Because it was her idea."

"but what about your family reunion at the beach every year?" asked Cinthia.

"they can come too, I mean you two do every year." I said, "what's the difference?"

They both smiled and gave me a thumbs up. When they started to pick their outfits I called my parents.

"Hello?" answered my mother.

"Mom?" I said, "Sweetie!" she cried how are you? How was the concert?"

"it was great mom and I'm okay..." I smiled, "Mom?"

"Yes?" she asked, "um... If I told you I met some celebrities, and they had a month off, and I wanted to take them home with me for a month, would you let me?"

She paused for a moment before answering, "Sure why not? And while you're at it bring Antonio Banderas."

"Mom!" I cried, "I'm serious, can One Direction come?"

She chuckled, "I know you, Samantha, and since you don't lie, sure why not. As long as they don't make a mess...yes they can come, I mean we have enough room."

"Awesome!" then I paused, 'knowing Louis, their bound to get kicked off.' " can they come to our family reunion too?"

She laughed, "Sure the more the me merrier!"

"Oh my god mom, you are the BEST!"

"I know." she answered.

"By the way," I said, "Do we have carrots?"

My mom seemed puzzled by the question, then she said, "Yes! Your father bought an extra pack by accident...why?"

"No no reason, just asking." I wanted to talk to her more, but then I thought about the guys, "I gotta go Mommey,"

"Okay honey, take care."

"I will, I'll be home in two days, love you."

"Love you too."

I smiled as I hung up, oh my god, my mom said yes! I thought.

Harry can meet my entire family... Okay no that's Just not good. What if they like him. Or worse, what if they LOVE him. It'll be the end of the world for me. Oh god, maybe I shouldn't take him. Then I smiled, what a stupid idea, of course i was going to tell him.

I walked out of the room and into the small living room, I was all bobbled up in my thoughts that I didn't even notice that the guys were there, starring at me. With their jaws wide open. Harry's literally dropped on the floor, I walked over to him, gently closed his mouth and said in a British accent, "Love, close you're mouth, you'll catch flies."

That seemed to wake him up, "you look...beautiful." I looked down and blushed.

"you're being too modest," I said, he shook his head, "No I'm being serious, you are beautiful." I blushed even more, "If you say so." I said breathlessly.

I sat in front of the guys and cleared my throat, "Um...Harry told me that all,of you have a months worth of vacation...is that true?"

They all nodded, "Why do you ask Sammey?" asked Zayn.

"Because...I wanted to know if you...wanted to come spend the month over at my place. With my family...if you don't already have plans."

They all starred at me, "it's okay if you don't want to, I mean you probably already have things to do."

Harry was the first one to jump up, " I didn't have anything planned, I would love to come and spend my moth with you...amd your family too."

"Me too." said Louis and Zayn.

So pretty much they all said "yes" I was really happy that they would be coming home with me, the only thought that scared me was Harry meeting my family.

(A/N: guys thanks(: and I just wanted to tell you that Sammey is part Mexican, soo... There will be some spanish words but I will put captions in English...just wanted to say that.)

Best vacation so far...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora