Back Home is a NIGHTMARE

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Hey! Did you guys see my intro for my new story "Letters To One Direction?" Did you like it? (: I hope you did because after this story's over, I'm going to be working on that one! :D Anyway since its already Christmas break I get to update more! YAY! Now, onto the story; Lego!


(Harry's POV) 

I missed Sammey. She was back in England in that hospital whereas I was in France. I knew that I shouldn't have left her because I promised her parents and her. It made me sad to think that I couldn't take care of her. 'After all it is your fault!' just like Brookelle had told me.

"Come on mate," Louis told me as he sat down next to me, "you'll see her soon, after all, it's only a week until we get to go home, until then, just try to have fun." 

"I guess," I replied, ''but what if something happens? What if she wakes up and I'm not there?" 

Louis rolled his eyes and smacked my arm, "Come on Haz! You're going to get wrinkles if you keep stressing out! Sammey's strong, she's stubborn too, she'll be fine. Okay?"

I let out a small smile, "Thanks Lou."


"Briiiingg! Briiiiing! Briiiiing!" 

I raised a finger at Louis and picked up my phone, "Hello?" 

"Hello, is this Mr. Styles?" 

I could feel my eyebrows furrow, "yes, who is this?" 

"This is Nurse Selma from the hospital. I am calling in regards to Samantha Blake." As soon as she said that I stood up causing Louis to freak, "Harry, what is it?" I shushed him and focused on listening to the Nurse. "I just wanted to tell you that she has left."

My eyes started to water "You mean she- she's d-dead?" Louis' eyes widened; he put his hands to his mouth,  I heard the nurse chuckle, "No Mr. Styles, let me rephrase that, Samantha has left the hospital and has gone back to her home in the States." 

"So...she left..." 


"T-thank you Nurse," I replied, feeling empty, after that the line went dead and I sat back down on the couch. "Mate, is she really?" 

"No, she's not dead," I replied emotioneless. Louis just stared at me as if he wanted more answers, "And?" he asked.

I didn't trust my voice to say anything but nevertheless I said, "I really lost her now, Lou." I felt Louis scoot closer to me and he pulled me into a giant hug, I had a feeling I was soiling his shirt, but I didn't care, after all, what were best friends for?


"Samantha, if you don't hurry up you'll be late for school!" 

My head whipped towards the sound of my mom's voice coming from down the stairs, "I'm going mom! I just need to fix my hair!" I yelled down.

Quickly I closed the door and locked it, I ran to my closet and from under a pile of clothes I picked up a small shoebox. I stared at it for five minutes before opening the lid and choking on my tears. 

In that small little shoebox was my beutiful flower necklace and note that Harry had given me before I had ended up in a coma. I looked around my room, every single poster in my obsessed room had been stripped down, my bed sheet covers had been replaced by some bright blue ones, and every single track that I had from One Direction had been deleted off my computer.

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