No chance no way, I won't say I'm in love.

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SO Sorry guys I haven't updated School was practically murdering me D: This chapter was supposed to go out two weeks ago but I was caught up with doing so many things, I'm sorry, but SCHOOL IS FINALLY OVER! AND thank you for patiently waiting for me and helping the read count go up REAL high c:

BTW Thank you SO SO much on the 5,000 reads~ WOW ! Can we get it up to 6,000? :DDD


~* Liam's POV *~

It wasn't so bad, you know, being in a plane wearing a wig and contacts while having a seven year old kid hit you constantly in the back of your chair, having an old lady drool on your best friend, and hearing your other best friend mumble about how he wished that we had flown first class instead.

No biggy.

"How long until we get to Brownsville?" asked Harry, his hand brushing over his head, "Yeah," agreed Zayn as he rolled his eyes, "Remind me again, Li why we couldnt just take first class?"

I sighed and ran a hand through my wig, thinking it was my hair, and almost yanking it off. "Because," I started to say, "If we flew in first class someone might recognize us and the paparazzi would be all over us. What we're trying to do Zayn, is avoid all of that."

Zayn mumbled something that shouldn't be said in an airplane full of small children and rested his head on the head rest. I didn't blame him, I was actually kind of frustrated with this plane too, but I rather be here than have over fifty fans mob us and ruin the surprise for Sammey, Cinthia, and Monica.

Speaking of Cinthia... what on earth was I going to tell her when we arrived to Brownsville? 'I was a fool who didn't want to leave you, but I did, I'm sorry It won't happen again?'

"Oh god, no." I muttered to myself, at that rate she'll just laugh at me. But I did like her... more than I should to be honest.

She was just so nice and sweet once you got through her shell, And she loves her friends that's for sure. She's loyal to them, and there are only a few amount of people like that now a days.

I remember the day that we left, she and Monica came over to Sammey's house she looked amazing. And honestly I've never seen someone look so amazing in pyjamas like her.

She looked so radiant as she laughed along any stupidity that we did. She was wonderful.

One things for sure, 'I'm not letting her go again.'

"I wonder what she's doing right now," I whispered as I stared out the window, the clouds circling in the sky.

~* Cinthia's POV *~

"Guys, I really dont wanna go to the carnival tomorrow."

"What do you mean you dont wanna go?" I asked, "Sammey, you LOVE the carnival!"

Sammey closed her binder and slowly placed it inside her backpack while saying "I'm so far behind in Pre-Cal I need to pick it up if I wanna pass."

"But you have straight A's" replied Monica, "there's no way that you can't pick it three weeks." I agreed with her on that one, Sammey was super smart, surely she could do it in three weeks time. Besides the kid could do with some sunlight; she had been a bit pale lately.

"I'm so sorry guys," Sammey said as she stood up and mumbled a quick 'Thanks' to me when she dropped her pencil, "I really can't this week, you guys go ahead, okay?"

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