Ch. 42: Your turn

Depuis le début

"Nothing rough today, Sir," I said and turned around so Annie could nurse on my other breast too.

"Hey. Why are you blocking my sight?"

"Am not."

"Am too."

I groaned in annoyance.

"I am feeding our child, horndog, and if you really are that obsessed with watching, you'll have to lie on the other side."

I heard him mumble something, and the shuffling of bed sheets, but he remained on his side of the bed.

"And be prepared to change her diaper," I added, and heard a groan of objection.

"But I picked her up! Now it's your turn."

"I'm doing my turn right now; feeding her."

"That doesn't count," he murmured.

"It does."

"But if I do that..."

I heard him shift again and suddenly felt him spoon me.

"...then you'll have to give me something afterwards."

"Already did."

"What? No! If so, I wouldn't have this throbbing so badly," he said, and thrusted a little against my ass.

"I don't care, because I gave you a daughter. So you will change her diaper."

"But that's not fair..."

"Is too."

"Then, at least give me a blowjob."

It was a statement, not a question or a suggestion, and I knew I would eventually cave in. But first, we needed to start the day by getting a new car.


"I did it last time."

"What last time?"

We were sitting in our car outside a car dealership, discussing who of us should go inside and buy a new car.

"At the bank. With the tickets. Now it's your turn."

"But what if Annie wakes up, and starts crying?"

"Then I'll take care of her until you get back. You're not gonna move in there, are you? I think we'll manage."

I squinted at him, and hated the fact that he was right.

"Okay. But it's gonna be an anonymous car. Not a Lamborghini or Lotus, or anything down that line."

He groaned in protest, but didn't say anything.

"We have a kid, you know. There's gotta be a proper backseat."

"Yeah, so we can stop and fuck in."

"Jesus Christ! You need to control the nymphomaniac in you. Behave more like Michael."

He suddenly turned to me with a glare.

"What did you say?!"

I gulped, suddenly feeling my tongue got glued to the roof of my mouth.

"Uhm... Nothing. I'll just... I'll go. Right now. Me walks to get a caros."

He went back to his normal self, or whatever normal is for this walking PMS version of a man.

"Gotta work on that Spanish of yours, Gail."

"Sew it."


"Sew your mouth closed."

He chuckled as I, quite awkwardly, got out of the car, and started walking towards the entrance. Then I heard him swivel down the window with a squeak.

"Funny walk there, Ms. Wetherby!"

Then I heard him laugh his ass off, so I flipped him the bird, and walked on.

"And find a car with electric windows! This is..."

And then I couldn't hear other than mumbling that clearly was something not meant for anyone to hear. But he got a few head turns from random bypassers.

Charming guy you've got there, Gail. Either he's raping you, or he's mad because of... Something. Or grumpy just because of the sake of being grumpy. Charming, charming, charming... Yeah, but he's hot as fuck when he's all Daddy and stuff! Stop complaining.

So I walked into the store, and came out with a...


"What the hell, Gail?! A Volvo?!"

I giggled a little at his expression.

"Yeah? If you're planning on having a mountain of kids, we need a Volvo. Besides, it's anonymous, practical and..."

I pushed a button.

" has electric windows!"

"Yeah, but if you're planning on getting a dog, I'm gonna free the dog and tie you to the leash instead."

He squinted thoughtfully out in the air, nodding slightly.

"On the other hand... Just go buy a dog anyway."

He smirked devilishly and winked at me.

"Don't get any ideas, mister."

"Can't get something you already have, Ms. Wetherby."

"Okay! Enough from you! Now, let's see if we can find somewhere to dump this car.
Somewhere deserted. And then we'll drive... North? East?"

Mr. Jackson was still busy in his thoughts, probably thinking about ways to tie me up.



Mr. Jackson got out of the car, but I was already sitting in the driver's seat of the Volvo.

"Hey! It's my turn to try it!"

"No, it's not. But it's your turn to set that car on fire somewhere."

I nodded towards the old wreck, and drove off.

Why do you keep pushing his buttons, Gail? You know what he'll do to you afterwards! Yeah... You do...


We did as planned and drove to the countryside somewhere in between Marbella and Malaga, set the car on fire and left. And this time I let Mr. Jackson drive.

"You know, it's not a bad car, actually."

He placed his hand on my thigh in approval, which I felt was a nice gesture. That was... Until it started wander upwards, between my legs. Then I slapped his hand away.

"I said, not today! You've probably made me pregnant with triplets already."

He snickered, and put his hand back at my thigh, but let it rest there and I found it quite adorable for such a dominant bastard to show affection like that. But I was afraid to returning it. Because then the beast would be released again. And with Annie in the back seat? No. Just no.

"I think you can fit a couple of more in there too, don't you think?"

"Uhm.. Only if you can give birth to them."

He frowned.

"But if I was the one who puts them there, it's you turn to get them out."

"Oh, shut up."

Then neither of us said anything, and I drifted off into a daze, not really asleep, not really awake, so I didn't pay attention to where Mr. Jackson was taking us. Not until he parked the car in some kind of forest.


He pulled me out of the car, and...

"You have been a naughty girl today, Ms. Wetherby. But this time it's my turn."

He opened his zipper.

"Get down on your knees, open your mouth and... Suck."


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