Another Outside Perspective

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First off Tom forgot to tell you guys that he gave me his shirt. We traded at the day of the hospital because I didn't like him bugging me about the "smeg head" upon mine. Secondly, hi I am Edd and I'll be telling you my story now. Ha, bet no one introduced themselves when sepaking ay? Wanna know why I'm the only one that did? Because I'm awesome!

" done bragging?"

Weird I thought she was asleep. After feeling the warmth of Tamara through this clear view thing I couldn't help but to wonder how long until Tom completed my side of the plan. To my surprise it was the next day! Talk about taking things slow.

"Lol Matt and Matilda will be first though!"

"Seriously how can you hear me narating?"

"Because...I'm awesome!"

She is very special and talented. I can almost hear her...strumming her bass.... bringing only good music to my own ears like Tom once did.

"What about Tom's?"

"Eh he is ok"

I teased sticking my tongue out

"Ya gonna tell them what made you realize the plan proceeded successfully or you just gonna be a goofball?"

I put my tongue away and put a hand under my chin.

"How is it that we found out...."

Tamara knocked on the clear view thing, with now a beautiful view of the other side. And ofcourse by that I mean we can see eachother! Forgive me but those flowers make her look absolutely beautiful, precious, kind, sweet. She blushed and chuckled her hand upon the wall as if wanting to reach towards me.

"Edd please stop! You're making me blush"

"And that make you more adorable!"

She covered her face and growled a bit. I chuckled and rubbed the glass.

"You have no badly I want to hug you now....."

"I'm wondering if this is a curse or a blessing Edd..."

"Let's think positive...We can see eachother now....and progress is happening fast...."

"I know.. but as much as I want them too I'd rather they take their time to seal the deal know?"

She leaned her head at the glass and sighed. I gestured to pet her hair at the glass. Almost as it she felt my hand at her hair she smiled and grew relaxed.

"Then Time will tell dear"

"Time will tell smeg"

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