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Another akward silence grew between the two. Seriously when will it stop? Yet not really. They were both enjoying their drinks calmly avoiding eye contact looking all around the kitchen. Ell rose her bottle chugging down its remains wiping away her mouth going to get another.

Tom- How many can you tolerate up to?

Ell- nineteen

Tom's eyes widened, what has caused her to drink so much and yet be able to tolerate more than he can? She drank four already and he still was in his first can of Cola. He shook his head and grabbed her hand unknowingly. Ell's face reddened grabbing another bottle and turned back to him holding his hand. The corners of her lips arose looking up at Tom with a slight sparkle in her eyes.

Ell- Are you implying something to me Tommo?

Tom's cheeks reddened scratching the back of his head looking down at their hands together, just their hands. This triggered some good memories between Edd and himself. He appeared afraid a bit after and let go with a face of torment. Ell worriedly closed the fridge and put a hand at his shoulder.

Ell- Hey it's ok....Here ummm lets go outside!

Feeling once again her gentle touch at his hand, but not to hold, to hand him something. Alcohol sure had a way to mask Ell's dark feelings that only Tom could see. Since he was aware of the effects that is. If she haden't been under the effect would she have had the same reaction? The same fear of re-living what's now gone? Ell placed a cola can at his hand and slowly removed her hand from his shoulder heading to the door. While she opened it a lovely breeze caused her hair to flow back. Tom stared at her with beaming sockets (don't ask) when she turned to him with a smirk.

Ell- I'll see you outside scaredy cat.

With that said she was out and the door shut again. Tom looked down at his coke and back out the window. So many thoughts raced through his head yet when he saw Ell, it all went away. He missed this feeling of being the slightest bit alive. He needed her more now than ever and he knew she couldn't be left on hold. If she was anything like Edd she would eventually be sad and dissapointed he never showed up. Soon enough he was outside sitting by her, admiring her embrace and how real she is. Ell finally took notice of his eyes on her , but still stared ahead. The neighbors would attempt to bother her, but the loss of Johanna was still haunting them. Staring up at the bright daylight with their favorite drinks in hand.

Tom- I see you planted a tree?

Ell grew silent holding her bottle close with such an affection.

Ell- It was....her wish....her final wish.....

Tom knew he messed up, her eyes looked as if she were about to cry. His eyes searched for a change of subject to avoid the unwanted topic.

Tom- Matt fell off a tree once!!!

Ell's sad look now turned to a confused one. She turned to Tom with a "what the hell" expression and Tom nervously smiled and continued.

Tom- He was trying to get to the roof to fix the satellite...The ladder had gone missing for some days now and Edd had....conviniantly planted a tree by the house after the renovation. So Matt thought it was a great idea to climb up it only one problem....He wasn't good at it.

Ell slightly smiled and so the two began to pass the time sharing their stupid stories. Trying their best not to get into deep detail of either Tamara or Edd. The hours flew by as indicated by the suns position is the sky. The sun that once was behind their heads was now over them slowly lowering infront to the horizon. A sky of bright orange with a light pink combined with a bright baby blue and puffy clouds. What more perfect timing for a pun!

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