Cola or Smirnoff?

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The silence grew wider while the distance between them remained the same. Their eyes wondered off every now and then getting a glimpse of eachother and then quickly looking away. Tom took a deep breath ready to break this silence.

Tom- uh....H-Hi I'm T-

Ell- Tom...yeah I'm aware

Tom's eyes widened backing up a bit.

Tom- do you know my name?!?

Ell raised an eyebrow at this slightly turning her head.

Ell- You don't remember? The time I went through the mirror with a sword taking your donuts? The time you and your friends fell through? You were ralking to T-

She stopped herself from continuing and looked at Tom in hopes he could remember, but not a single sign of it.

Tom- I thought all those events were allusions from me getting drunk?

Ell shook her head and smiled slightly up at Tom.

Ell- A few bottles can make you see a ton of things but never a version of your friends genderswapped self more than twice!

Tom smiled then frowned catching onto the effects of a few bottles part.

Tom- Fair point....Wait...How are you aware of the effects?

Ell couldn't catch herself this time but just went with a quick lie anyway.

Ell- Lucky guess....

Tom could tell something was going on with her, yet who is he to push her until she revealed the truth? He decided it would be best to change the subject.

Tom- I see you like green....

Ell- Yeah...

Tom- It suits you.....

Ell's eyes sparkled a bit nervously laughing looking back.

Ell- Thanks....

Why was it so akward? Ell saw Tom's attempts to start conversation yet each topic died quickly. This time she came up with an idea for a conversation starter.

Ell- How about a drink?

Tom nodded as the girl guided him to the kitchen. He leaned back at the table having a look around. Their world wasn't really that different, the only difference he had caught so far was the genderbend. Same blue walls with light brown wooden closets and the checkered print by the tops of them. Same brown table with the window and dishwasher at the front. Ell opened the fridge and moved some stuff around. The letters that once spelled buy more cola were now all over the place.

Ell- So Smirnoff right?

Tom- Actually I'll take a cola please

Ell jumped up bumping her head on the fridge. Tom heard the bang and walked over, putting a hand on Ell's shoulder showing concern in his sockets.

Tom- Are you ok?

Ell was silent holding a bottle of Smirnoff in one hand and a cola can in the other. Her cheeks brightened up to see Tom touching her, but she shook it off and turned to face him seriously.

Ell- Since when do you drink Cola?

She said handing him the cola closing the fridge behind her. Tom didn't want to answer the question and his sockets searched for a change of subject. Ell still had the bottle in her hand and was slowly opening it up. This caused Tom to tilt his head and point to it.

Tom- You drink Smirnoff now?

Ell managed to open the bottle and look up at Tom her eyes menacing.

Ell- Is there a problem?

Tom- Hey you asked me first as if it were the biggest deal on the planet!

Ell- Because it is!! You drink Smirnoff

Tom- And you drink Cola

Both stared at eachother holding their drinks tightly. They sounded like they were bickering when really they were keeping themselves calm. If they were with Matt or Matilda they would've already yelled at them sending them to tears. Both held something back, something they didn't wish to talk about. Said by the way they held their drinks with such affection, not towards it, but in memory of someone they had lost. Ell sighed and shook her head.

Ell- I'm sorry Tom...but there is a lot that has happened since you last came.....I need time to collect all the words I need to-

Tom- Tell you what I have felt at this sudden change in my life....

Their eyes met a sparkle dashing up on both. Ell giggled and held her drink up to Tom's.

Ell- To a new change?

Tom smiled clanking his drink up to hers.

Tom- To a new change..... I knew you were lying to me about the the lucky guess

He said with a smirk up his face. Ell rolled her eyes and smiled

Ell- You didn't have such a bad taste in drinks after all!

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