A Stressful Day

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Why is time so impatient sometimes? Ell could've sworn by her precious Smirnoff bottles that a few minutes ago she held hands with Tom at a tree branch staring out into the sunset. Now two months, three weeks, two days, eight hours, fifteen minutes, twelve seconds and counting have flown by before her eyes. Each of those days Tom stepped through the mirror to do an activity with her. When he didn't have a plan they would just hang out, bond and relax. She drew back the curtains of the living room soaking in the bright daylight beaming in past the window.

Ell- Today is the day.....

She whispered under her breath going over to the mirror. She stopped right infront of it and her reflection showed change of gender. Edd was now before her with his bangs covering his eyes and his sweater off. She scarcely reached over to touch his face and frowned.

Ell- What happened to you Edd?....

The reflection only smiled and pulled Ell through. Her reflexes kicked in doing a flip before her face touched the floor to land on her feet. She sticks the landing. With her pulse accelerated she turned back to the mirror with her reflection only being herself this time. A million questions were in her head for Tom, only to become more curious. Taking a look around the living room she saw no signs of life and only heard snores down the hall. She didn't want to be a bother so she made herself at home. By that I mean she head down to the kitchen and opened the fridge to get a bottle. She felt her eyes decieve her when she saw none.

Ell- So much for being a house guest....

Dissapointed she closed the fridge door and went back to the living room. No sign of life once again and she needed a drink. Today was a special day after all, a bottle would give her the courage needed to tell him. Her eyes rolled stopping at the door, and more specifically the handle, a bar was nearby. Taking one last look around she turned the knob and raced out the door feeling her heart skip a beat. A wide smile on her face as she ran past the hundreds of stores stopping at her location. Nearly pleased she opened the door, took a seat up front, and ordered a drink.

Ell- Tom.....I came here today to tell you-......tell you.......UGHHHH Waiter another!

The waiter put a seventh bottle before her. He questioned if he should stop, but she showed no sign of being drunk to him. The woman grabbed the bottle, cracked it open and chugged it down half way before slamming it back down the counter.

Ell- I wanted to say......That Tom......I......Yes Me here loves you....dammit Tom.....hahaha.....what have you done to me?

Blushing at thoughts of him she hid her face at her palms laughing. She did it! Now to put the words to play. She rose from her seat satisfied leaving a tip to head to the door. When a man came to stand infront of her blocking her way.

???- Hey pretty lady~

Ell- Uhhh.....wrong lady si-

???- I know who I talk to

Ell akwardly smiled and began to back away to what she saw was an alternative exit.

Ell- Sorry sir, but I have a boY-

Her face turned to disgust and fear when she felt another man's arms around her waist. She attempted to break free, but the man pulled her back by her hair and held her arms down this time. She began to shake and wanted to yell but felt menaced when she saw a knife from the other man infront. Her pupils shrank while her eyes widened trembling in fear.

???- Shhhh sh sh shhhh

Ell- L...l-let me go!

???- Oh we will pretty lady, but to our room~

She shut her eyes and lowered her gaze with emotions only worstening her condition. Maybe this was a dream! No, a nightmare. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up! Nothing happened. This never happened to her in her world, could this supposendly lovely day get any worse? She heard upcoming footsteps and her eyes poped open at the sound of a familiar voice.

Tom- She is a pretty lady isn't she?

Tom comfortably rested his hand at this man's shoulder. Ell was so confused in her own mind thinking of only the worst. Was he selling her?!

???- She sure is! I can share her for a couple of b-

Instantly Tom attacked the man's face with a fist knocking him down at the floor. Tom turned to the other man with a pissed expression cracking his neck approaching.

Tom- News flash buddy she is priceless and mine!! Now....LET.HER.GO.

Ell's fright was still there, but with a sudden relief her thoughts were proved wrong. The man holding her was terrifyingly loosining his grip on her a bit, he had grown pale and was shaking like an earthquake. Her eyes went back to Tom with a slight sparkle when she saw two men approaching him from behind.


She was too late when the man from behind sent Tom's face in the direction of his fist. Tom still stood tall and strongly, he headbanged the man away. He turned to the other and fought him fiercely. The man around Ell had enough and let go dashing away through the exit. More men approached and Tom wasted no time quickly grabbing her hand, pulled her out the store, and ran holding her hand down the city with men farly chasing after them. A feeling of safety stuck Ell, but her drunk effect began to show. Running down the sidewalk she tripped and made Tom slow down but react fast. While she fell, Tom manuvered to spin her and pull her into a dark alley way with her against the wall. Tom stood closely infront of her protectively looking out to see the men run past them. He sighed in relief and turned to hold Ell's cheek with his hand inspecting for wounds.

Tom- Did they hurt you?

Ell's eyes sparkled brightly while tears rolled down her face. She held his hand against her cheek and kissed it smiling up at him.


She yelled in a shaky yet bold voice, rising to her tips using the wall for support to kiss Tom at his lips. Tom's sockets turned white, in contrast with his tomato red face, in shock bending over a bit to let Ell stand comfortably. His face was crimson red, no a very bright red, giving in the kiss wrapping his arms around her. He never thought he could enjoy the taste of Smirnoff again.


Ell- Tom how did you find me?

Tom- You seriously didn't see me.....this whole time?

Ell- .....no

Tom- When you first came in I was at the couch looking for my keys. I saw you and muffled a hello, but apperantly I wasn't in your view. When you went in the kitchen I sat at the couch chuckling at your anger for no Smirnoff in this house. You then went back to the living room, but I passed you saying "Hey Ell" going to get a coke. Then I heard the door slam and thought to follow you since you were a tad off this morning. I sat by you at the bar and spoke once again "Hey Ell" but you were too busy drinking. I gave myself a break going to the bathroom and came back to you being gone, but your hairtie at the floor. I looked around the bar and found those bastards holding you and then all this happened.

Ell- ......

Tom- Not a good time for this is it?

Ell- I'm hungry....

Tom- I'll take that as a n-

Ell- And tired....

Tom- *shakes his head laughing* Let's get you out of here

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