The Encounter

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Tom had been hanging out with Matt at the couch staring at the tv screen, but It was almost as if no one were around. Tom had a weird vibe with Matt and neither of them directed a word to each other since that day. They both knew Edd was gone and that he would never come back, this is the situation they both never wanted to get into. In Matt's brain the words Tom said at the dinner repeated over and over.

Tom- Because without Edd it would just be me and you, and well....that would suck

Matt looked over to Tom who looked alright from the outside, but on the inside he was broken to pieces, tiny bits that according to him could never be put together again. No one had been so close to Tom and if Edd were here he could tell he wasn't alright. Just with a smile and holding his hand Tom would be better, but this was no fantasy and no wish upon any star could bring him back. Tom groaned sinking back in his seat staring at the screen in annoyance.

Tom- Matt change the channel...

Matt- To what? There is nothing good on besides this show....

Tom- Change.The.Channel.

Matt threw the control at Tom and crossed his arms curling up his lip. Tom held his head from the hit and barked at Matt with raging eyes.


Matt- I am not your slave Tom and you can't keep doing this to me. You only talk to me to change the damn channel when you can do it yourself! You don't even gwt up from bed some mornings and don't even to bother to ask If I am alright as well!You have to move on Edd is gone and will never be back!!

These words tore a piece of Tom's heart to more sheds than before. Matt didn't think before putting it out there and held his mouth in regret.

Matt- Tom Im s-

Tom- Don't.....I'm gonna go get a drink now...

He got up from his seat when Matt stood stiffly infront of him.

Tom- What?....move....

Matt- No...I will leave don't worry....just don't get drunk.....please....

Matt hung his head low and walked to his room shutting the door. Tom turned off the tv and leaned on his hands holding his head tightly. This was too suden for his dead emotions and broken heart. He hadn't realized how his actions had affected Matt lately, he honestly thought the only thing the boy cared for was his reflection.

Tom- He has no right telling me to move on when he can't get over it either....

He mumbled under his breath his shoulders tensing up a bit. He got up from his seat and was ready to fight Matt when he saw something odd from the corner of his eyes. The mirror he passed showed a female reflection of himself. He went back to the mirror and tilted his head as his reflection had done the same.

Tom- Uhh...Matt?

He called out looking away from it for a bit.

Tom- MATT!!

Matt swung the door open and looked at Tom with only his head out the room.

Matt- What?

Tom now turned back to the mirror and waved, still his reflection doing the same.

Tom- There's something weird about th-

His reflection now had petals all over her eyes and tears rolling down her face. A platonic smile on her embrace and her jacket around her waist. She was like a ghost that had been ripped from her happy life through the beauty of blue flower petals. Tom's eyes turned white as she reached for him, pulling him through the mirror to the other side. Matt ran to the mirror surprised and jumped through without thinking twice. Quickly Tom looked for his female version, but she was no where in sight. He looked back to see Matt on the floor his eyes going in circles like crazy. Instantly Tom touched his face looked at his hands and punched himself in the stomach.

Tom- EUG-....Y-yup.....this is real.....

He still couldn't help but to feel something was odd about his reflection. Why petals? Why smile? Why pull him through to who knows where? His thoughts erased when he saw a green hoodie ahead, a brunette whose hair was in a ponytail giggling over a passing conversation. Tom couldn't bring himself to doing more but to stare. Matilda's face then showed up to the side of the brunette looking at Tom stangely as if he were a creep.

Matilda- Ell....we're being watched?

Ell- What do you mean Mati-

She turned herself and froze looking at Tom. Matilda was now confused at what was up with these two. She scanned them until she got attacked by a hug from Matt now being her distraction from her thoughts.

Matt- MY GEM!!

He yelled happily hugging her in his arms not showing any sign of letting go. Matilda giggled and hugged back tightly with blush on her cheeks.

Matilda- My prince It's been 4 hours!!! How come your back so soon?

Matt let her go and put an arm around Tom.

Matt- Well you see Tom was curious and fell in. Or atleast thats what it looked like...and so I didn't want him getting lost or hurt so I followed. How ya holding up Tom?

Tom still had his attention taken by Ell who was staring right back at him. Why did he feel so, strange? Yet a part of him just wanted to go to her and hug her, protect her.

Matt- Tom?

Matilda- Why are they acting so stange?

The two gingers put their heads together and thought of why, before they snapped their fingers at an idea.

Matilda- They are shy!

Matt- Quick lets help them!!

Matilda ran to Ell pushing her to Tom and Matt started to push Tom to Ell. They both pushed them to each other and smiled once they had pushed them close enough. They still stood frozen staring at each other and the gingers put their brains to work again.

Matilda- What else could it be?

Matt- Maybe they need some time alone!

They both turned to face them for a reaction, but got nothing but silence.

Matilda- Was that a yes?

Matt- Definitely a yes!

Matt stared from Tom to Ell and a smirk showed up his face. He had to find a way to keep a distance to let these two bond for a while. His brain power was on and turned to Matilda at his last idea for the day.

Matt- Shopping?

Matilda- Shopping!!!

They raced out the door and shut it close in happy laughter slowly fafing eith every step they took. Tom blinked once and began to blush slightly. Ell blinked twice and began to blush slightly as well. Both silent not a single word to each other staring right into each others eyes.

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