"Not true!" It so was.

"Your belly flutters when I'm close." He proved the point by cutting the space between our faces until I could feel his breath fanning my cheeks. I could feel the rush of blood through my ears.

"That's not--"

"You want me to kiss you all over."


His face dipped and all trace of composure left me. His grip tightened around my waist, pulling me up against his frame as his hand moved to cradle the back of my head. My eyes fluttered close waiting for the touch of his lips against mine.

Only it didn't come. 

My eyelids opened confused. I looked at his soft inviting mouth, inches away from mine then continued upwards until I met his eyes sparkling with amusement. He was trying to hold back a laugh and failing miserably.

I pushed at his chest. Mad with myself. Why did I have to be so gullible? "Stop laughing."

I wrestled against his arms but his grip tightened. His body crackled with laugher. I pushed harder.

"Don't be mad."

I ignored him. Looking away to see the girls had mover further away to give us some privacy. Though some people still remained in the stands throwing us curious glances. The field had been vacated. Most of the guys on the team having left in favor of a nice bath at the field house.

Something nuzzled against my cheek and I tried to push it away, my fingers tangling in the mass of Ryan's hair. I couldn't help but relish in the feel of his blog locks slipping through my fingers. 

His head dipped down to press a laugh against my lips. "Come on. I'm sorry."

I would have believed him if he hadn't still been chuckling at my expense.

I stood still until the tremors that racked his body subsided.

Finally settling, his big hands trapped my head and he bent down to rub his nose against mine. "Charlotte likes you."

I considered for a moment whether to answer or not. "I like her. I can't say the same about her brother though."

His smile widened. "How smart of you."

My shoulders lifted in a shrug. "I try."

His gaze studied my face for a moment before he opened his mouth. His next words caught me off guard. "My mom wants to meet you."

A frown creased my forehead while at the same time my heart skipped a beat. He was asking me to meet his mother?

"Are you asking me to meet your mother?" I asked.

"Yes. I'll pick you up and we can hang out at my place. Charlotte will be there." He must have read my expression because he added. "We could order pizza."

He knew pizza was my weakness but the mere thought of meeting his mother made my stomach tighten with nerves.


He cut me off. "She will like you. I think she already does."

"She hasn't even met me." I pointed out.

"Exactly." He replied with a smile.

I punched his shoulder. "That wasn't nice."

"Charlotte and I will be there. Come on. What are you afraid of?" 

I pretended to look contemplative. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe the thought of her not liking me? Or making a fool out of myself? Or---"

He stopped me with a chaste kiss against my lips. "She'll like you."

I frowned. "Why are you so sure?"

"Because I like you."

I rolled my eyes.

"Please." He continued to stare at me with his intense wide eyes tearing my resolve to pieces. Before I could say something though Char was there. 

"Are you coming home tomorrow Kalley?" 

Ryan smiled at his sister as she approached. "Yes. She is. Aren't you Twiggie?" He directed the last question to me.

My gaze moved from Ryan to his sister. Char was looking at me with such expectation that I had no choice but to accept. "Yep." I forced a smile.

Char beamed. "Great! We'll have such a great time."

"She's going to be with me." Ryan said, rearranging his grip to throw one arm over my shoulders.

"Oh, stop being a caveman. Surely you can share her for a little bit."

"Nope. I'm sorry sis."

She muttered something under her breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing." She gave him a wide smile and gestured towards us. "Please continue with---that."

She turned to go away but Ryan called her back. She rose one inquiring brow.

He turned to me. "Wait with the girls. I'll come for you after I have a bath."

"Ok." I said, catching Char's delightful expression.

He pressed another quick kiss to my lips before taking off towards the field house, my eyes following his back until he disappeared from sight.

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