Chapter 13 - First Day

Start from the beginning

We passed through houses and buildings but then finally, we are already near the vincinity of the campus! There's a lot of students going inside the gate. Some of them are looking at us.

"Who's that with Iori-senpai?"

"I don't know but she's very pretty..."

I could clearly hear their words but as what Iori-nii said to me earlier, I'll just try to ignore them.

When we went inside, we quickly went towards a crowd of students. Mr. Takahashi was there, giving a speech. But because we arrived a few minutes late, we missed the first part of it.

"That's all, and enjoy the school year, students!"

After Mr. Takahashi's speech, we all clapped our hands. Soon after, each of us went inside the main building.

While walking throughout the hallways, I could hear the student's whispering again.

" Ain't that Nakamori Mikoto from Hayato Sports Academy? What is she doing here? And why is she with Iori-senpai?"

"Nakamori Mikoto? Oh yeah! That female football star who got injured during the winter tournament?"

"Oh yeah That's her, I heard that after she got injured, she decided to quit soccer and transfer here."

"But why is she with Iori-senpai?"

"She kinda looks like Iori-senpai's younger brother in Hinode. So she's his sibling?"

"You're quite popular here, onii-chan."

"I'm embarrased, says who who got noticed quickly by the students here, football star..."

"How did they know me, onii-chan?"

"Well, Hayato Sports Academy is actually a sister of this school. Since here, we mostly focus on academics so there aren't any sports teams here. So the students here root for the students on that school. You were a team captain of the soccer team, and team captains gets a lot of attention. That's why you are quite popular here."

The two of us proceed to our classroom located on the fourth floor.

"Hey, Miko-san, since you're a transferee, what about you stay here and wait for the teacher? Let's surprise our classmates, if it's okay for you?"

I smiled at him and nodded. I watched him as he entered the classroom and was greeted by our classmates. Iori-nii might be one of the quiet ones at home, but I'm glad because he got some friends here.

After Iori-nii left, I took a deep breath and leaned againsts the wall near the stairs. I was going to take a quick nap but then a woman in her late 20s appeared.

"Oh, you're a new face. You must be Mr. Asahina's younger sister!" She let out a small smile. I saw her name tag saying "Okada Saeko. Homeroom Teacher. Class 4-A" and I quickly bowed before her.

"Yes, Miss Okada. I'm Asahina Mikoto. It's a pleasure to meet you!"

Miss Okada giggles before walking into her classroom.

"Just call me Saeko-sensei. Just wait here, okay? I will introduce you to the class."

I only nodded and watch her as the students inside the classroom greets her.

"Good morning everyone! A new school year, a new chapter to write! You may all know me already because I was your teacher in Chemistry back in 3rd year. And I'm glad that this class would be my homeroom this school year."

I could hear the whole class clap their hands. She must be a student favorite since I could feel a light aura around her.

"Now, today we have a newcomer. Those who are sports enthusiasts might know her. She's from our sister school, Hayato Sports Academy, and was the former co-captain of their soccer team."

Again, the class starts to make an uproar. I could hear some of what they are saying.

"It must be Nakamori-san."

"I'm sure it's Mikoto Nakamori, after the winter tournament, she disappeared and was rumored to quit soccer."

"So she really quit?"

"She has an open fracture on her right leg! Who wouldn't quit if someone gets an injury like that?"

"I saw her earlier with Iori-kun..."

"Maybe they're related to each other?"

"I heard another rumor stating that Nakamori isn't really a Nakamori but an Asahina. I mean, she did changed her last name after her parents died."

"I agree with that, I've seen her with the Asahinas months ago. And Iori-kun always visits the hospital where his older brother works."

I took a deep sigh and entered the classroom, causing everyone, except for Iori-nii, to gasp at me.

"Iori-kun? Is she really your sister? Why aren't you surprised?" His seatmate asked him but Iori-nii only gave him a thumbs up.

"Hello everyone, I'm Asahina Mikoto from Hayato Sports Academy. Nice to meet you all!" I smiled and bowed before them. "And yes, I am Iori-nii's younger sister. I was supposed to be in 3rd year but because of my birthdate and the results of my evaluation, the school's administration suggested that I should be here in 4th year. And well, I might be the youngest in this section, but I hope that you guys will treat me equally, that's all. Thank you!"

Everyone clapped their hands as I bowed again. Saeko-sensei told me to seat on the vacant desk behind Iori-nii's and I did what she told me to do. I'm glad because they're giving me a warm welcome despite the fact that I lack a lot of things.
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