"I'll be right back!" You squeak as you rush out of the room to the female's toilet in Yoongi's shop. You rushed into the toilet and leaned against the cool tiled wall for a second, trying not to overreact to the sight of blood.

Usually, you were quite brave, but for some reason, the thought of the cold needle prickling through your skin made you feel quite scared.

Leaning against the tiled wall, you slowly slid down to the floor and just sat there, trying to control the speed of your breathing. You leaned your cheek on the wall, feeling comfortable with how cool it felt.

You sat there for a few minutes and finally started to calm down a bit. You were about to get out of the toilet and walk back to the cellar when the toilet door burst open.

In came Jimin, his eyes worried and searching for something. When he spotted you standing behind the door, he instantly rushed to you and looked into your eyes and inspected your body.

"Are you alright?" He asked, holding you in his arms gently. His dark locks were messy and everywhere, and as he leaned in to look at your hands, you felt them brush against your cheeks.

For some reason, your breathing sped up and your heart started racing again. Oh, what this man did to you, you wish he could know.

Jimin sighed a breath of relief when he couldn't detect any harm on you. He turned his head back up to face you, and though his eyes had softened, you could still see a trace of worry in them.

"Y/N, you worried the hell out of me. First, I come back to the cellar and hear lots of shouting and screaming, then, I realize that you aren't there and Yoongi tells me you rushed out looking sick. I was so worried that you weren't feeling okay, especially doing something for me," He almost whispered the last part as he looked at you guiltily.

You laugh nervously. "Yeah, I'm okay. I uh... just don't really enjoy bleeding and am a bit scared of it," you tell him honestly. Jimin gives you a small eye smile and hugs you tightly, shocking you.

The feeling of his warm body pressed to yours felt amazing. 

But he pulled away. "We have to get back there if we want to finish everything fast, though." His eyes were crinkled with worry, obviously not wanting to delay anything.

"Okay." With a nod, the both of you head back to the cellar.


Shutting your eyes tightly, you made sure to not look at your finger while Yoongi prickled it. You weren't sure you could stand looking at the sight.

While you were gone, Minhee, Namjoon, and Jungkook had gotten their fingers prickled, and the commotion had been caused by Jungkook, who also wasn't very fond of needles. He had started to run around with his bleeding finger, scaring Yoongi's cats, which ran around like crazy. Everyone had started to panic, causing Jimin to get scared too.

But now, everything was calm. The people who had signed the papers stood by the sidelines, holding up their fingers which were wrapped in tissues. They stared at you while you, waiting for your reaction, knowing it would be the worst.

Jimin stood right beside you, making you lean your head on his chest. He rubbed your head soothingly, hoping to calm you down. Your heart was not hammering due to the fear and Jimin being right beside you.

"I'm too scared! Please, not now!" You say in desperation, chickening out. Jimin and Yoongi both sigh and the same time, one in pity, one in annoyance. "You can't avoid this forever. You know that, right?" Yoongi said, sounding annoyed. You open your eyes to peek at him. He was crossing his arms with a not so happy expression plastered on his face.

You've heard of how Yoongi gets when he's angry, so you definitely didn't want to observe that side of him.

Squirming, you press yourself deeper into Jimin's chest. Jimin continues to stroke your head, thinking of an idea to make you feel better. He stops patting your head and tilts your chin up to look at him.

"Yoongi, do it now," Jimin commands as he forces you to look into his eyes and presses his lips onto yours harshly, almost like he was trying to attack you.

He kisses you differently like he never has before. This time, it wasn't aggressive or gentle, but a mix in between. His lips are gentle with yours, but his tongue was rough and demanding. Forgetting about your surroundings, you kissed him back, lifting your other arm to caress his face.

You barely felt the prickle of the needle as he continued to kiss you, making you feel as though you were afloat in the clouds, with no one in the room but him. Unfortunately, you were brought back into the present when Yoongi coughed loudly and asked you to imprint your finger onto one part of the document.

Dazed, you press your finger lightly onto the paper and notice the throbbing pain on it. You were about to look at it, but Jimin hastily grabs a tissue and wraps your finger around it before you could make yourself feel sick again.

"Now, that wasn't so bad now, was it?" Jimin asks you, beaming. 

"It was worse for us to witness." Jungkook hollers, pretending to barf into the corner as the others snickered.


When everyone had finally finished signing the documents, you were finally free to leave to cold cellar. You were about to grab your things and leave when Jimin pulled you to the side.

"Hey, Y/N, could I ask you something?" Jimin said sheepishly, fumbling with his fingers. You were confused. Jimin rarely displayed any acts of nervousness. Curious, you nodded.

He looked down at his fingers as he mumbled,

"Will you be my girlfriend?"


[A/N: SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING THIS! I've been busy getting ready for exams and finishing off my other book so I haven't had time for this one. Promise to update more often once my exams are gone! ]

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