There was a pause. His eyes became slightly watery and I felt awkward. I wasn't exactly an expert when it came to crying. Especially when it was guys that cried. What the fuck should I do now?

"We were about thirteen when his health started deteriorating. He smoked now and then but I don't think that's what brought on the Lung Cancer. It took a year to kill him entirely and after that, Sebastian started getting into hard-core drugs and Felipe discovered books... We all, kind of, went our separate way, I guess."

I started tearing up. Believe me, this was a big deal because I almost never cried.

I hugged him because I knew from experience that sorry just didn't cut it.

That was when I decided to tell him about my sister....

I don't think even Rachel knows about her.

"We found out she had Leukemia when she was about eight and I was nine. She had to go through the whole Chemotherapy treatment. It sucked because she lost a majority of her hair and she was young; the best part of being a girl when you're young is messing around with your hair. She had none." I laughed cynically. "Two years later, the doctors told my mum that they couldn't do anything more for her. I was old enough to understand what was happening to her and it didn't help much that the kids in my class kept on bullying me about my weight. If there was ever a good time for me to commit suicide, it would have been right then; of course, I don't think I really knew what suicide even was back then. She died the same day I graduated from fifth grade. A month later, we moved here. My parents kept on saying it was because of their jobs but I knew that they just wanted to escape losing their daughter..."

He hugged me tighter.

Silence clouded the room as we stood there, embracing each other.

"We're pretty fucked up, aren't we?" I laughed sarcastically.

"No shit."

That was when I finally took in my surroundings and then cursed.

"What?" August asked; sounding curious.

"We're in Pete's room. Rachel's older brother."

"What about it? I mean, it's not like he's in here or anything."

"He's a complete douche and I'd rather not be in any place concerning him."

As if on cue, I heard Rachel's voice tear through the door. I could tell that she was still in the Family room though because the yell was quite distant.

I had a feeling Sebastian had something to do with it.

August cursed; he must have thought so too.

What the hell happened? Rachel rarely ever got angry, like really angry.

Angry enough to shout at somone like she was right now.

I found my answer the minute we left the bedroom and walked in on Rachel gesturing dramatically with her arms while letting a long line of swear words escape her lips.

Her parents were beside her; obviously trying to calm her down. She fought them off and then suddenly stopped shouting.

She ran a hand down her face and left the room.

August marched up to his brother. "What the hell did you do, Sebastian?" I'm not quite sure I've ever heard him sound this ticked off.

His brother smiled snidely. "Doesn't concern you."

Mrs Woods was the next to talk. She apologised to Rachel's parents and said that they were leaving before forcing all of the brothers through Rachel's front door.

There's Always August [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now