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Some of it was done on the computer and some of it was done on my iPhone... Want the truth guys? I am WAYYY tooo lazy to edit the previous chapters ^.^ hahaha SORRY :P I hope I didn't fail too epically on the grammar department... :(

Hope this chapter doesnt suck too much!!! :D

School started for me.... Might explain why the updates are so wide-spaced!!! :( plus I get bored easily... Took a while to actually finish this chapter :P

This one is Dedicated to iamsam95 because of her awesome post :D


Chapter 11

"Did your parents not know how to use protection?" Sebastian stared at her coldly and cocked his eyebrow.

"I was just asking whether you liked the country, Jesus!" Rachel sounded annoyed.

He shrugged and looked the other way.

Argh! He was so fucking annoying! I literally wanted to pull his head off.

Remind you of anyone? Yah, that's right. The bitch: Jazz.

Sebastian hadn't talked once and the times Rachel even tried starting a conversation, he'd either ignore her or say something that was completely rude.

She huffed; obviously giving up. "What about you, Felipe. D'you like it here?"

He shoved his glasses up his nose for the millionth time. "It's okay."

He didn't talk much. Have any of you ever seen The Big Bang Theory? Let's just say that Felipe is a hell of a lot like Sheldon; socially awkward and extremely scientific.

"You're the chick that's dating my brother, right?" Sebastian asked me.

I was slightly taken aback by the tone of his voice and the fact that he was actually talking to me. "What about it?" I finally replied.

He didn't even bother replying; instead he pulled out a cigarette and lighter.

He was just about to light it when Rachel informed him of the rules against smoking inside the house.

He got up and flicked Rachel off; lighting the smoke anyways.

To exaggerate his point, he blew a puff of smoke in her face and then, finally, walked out the front door to resume killing himself; one cigarette at a time.

The minute the cloud of smoke died down, August stood up and grabbed my hand; pulling me away from the sitting room that may have looked normal but definitely smelled like tobacco.

We rounded a corner and walked into a random room; locking the door behind us.

"I am so sorry." He sounded sincere as his eyes scrutinized my every move.

"He's really not very nice, is he?" I asked August earnestly.

He sighed and ran a hand over his face. "Can I tell you something?"

I could tell that it was definitely something serious. "Yah, sure."

"My dad... he..." His voice cracked a bit.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Please tell me! I thought fiercely.

"I want to..." He insisted. "My dad was great... He used to take all three of us everywhere he went. He was an animator and he always insisted on taking us to his work studio. It was awesome because he sometimes took us when we had school by convincing my mom that it was educational." He chuckled at the memory. "Felipe was pretty fun back then and, believe it or not, so was Sebastian. We would plan tricks and stuff to play on our parents and they wouldn't even bother grounding us because they knew it wouldn't change anything..."

There's Always August [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now