"We missed a couple of trailers, but that's alright." Ruth sank back in her seat as she began eating popcorn and watching the trailer that was on the screen now.

The trailers were one of my favorite parts. I enjoyed knowing what was coming just as much as I enjoyed watching the movie.

There were scattered sounds that filled the theatre, someone opening a bag of candy, people whispering vigorously to one another, and people doing their best to get situated in their seats. However, as soon as the lights began to fade, all of the sounds came to an end-- just like sound seemed to disappear in the middle of the night. You could hear a pen drop.

The intro to the movie began, and I glanced around the room, seeing that, for once, nobody was staring at me or at the scars. Every single pair of eyes was focused on the movie screen. For once, the most popular story wasn't my own.

I allowed myself to relax into my seat, but I was still on my caution. It was just my usual default now.

The movie began, and my sister whispered to me as she fangirled over Bradley Cooper. She's been in love with him since watching The Hangover. I simply tolerated her comments, trying not to laugh at how excited and surprised she was at hearing his singing voice.

As the movie continued, she seemed really into it, and I felt myself relax a little more with each passing minute. Everyone was captivated by the movie. I had nothing to worry about as I reached over and grabbed a handful of popcorn out of the bucket. Ruth stopped eating it halfway through the movie, far too into the storyline.

As the movie neared the end, I felt myself tense up. The scene was too much, too emotional, and it sparked a memory from my childhood to jump out at me.

"I have to go to the restroom."

I moved to get out of my seat, but Ruth held me back. I looked at her, seeing tears in her eyes from the movie. "You can't hold it for a few more minutes?"

"No," I lied. "I have to go now. I'll wait for you in the lobby after."

Ruth sighed before nodding and letting me go. I rushed out of my seat, doing my best to see in the dark and not trip over a step. I rushed out of the theater doors, and back into the lobby. I left the movie theater, walking outside to try to get some air and breathe.

I panted heavily as I stood leaning against the wall, and I squeezed my eyes shut as the memory played.

"Mummy, what are you doing?" I questioned, stepping into my parent's bedroom.

She turned to me in shock, blinking a few times, before climbing down from where she was and instantly pulling me into a hug.

"Nothing. Just... decorating."

Her voice wasn't the same. It was sad. It was heavy. It was tired. But she was hugging me tight, so I hugged her back.

I thought that would make her happy.

"Nothing," She spoke as a tear fell from her eyes. "Don't tell anyone about this, Liam. It was supposed to be a surprise. That's all."

I nodded, but I didn't press the subject. Instead, I hugged my mum tighter and accepted the offer to go make cookies with her in the kitchen.

I didn't question anything.

I should have pressed more. I should have told someone. Dad or Nicola.

That was all that was going through my head as I tried to catch my breath.

I took a moment to close my eyes and breathe deeply, trying to calm myself. I swallowed thickly before breathing out and opening my eyes again. I heard a noise to my left, a car door slamming shut right in front of the art gallery.

Scars (Ziam) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt