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Update time! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter and enjoy the small flashbacks Liam receives. ❤

Chapter 2:

      I stood outside of the creative writing club room for fifteen minutes straight. Because Jaden decided that it would be a great day to hold me back at the end of last period, I was late to the meeting. And I really didn't want to walk in late. They would already stare at my scars. I didn't want to give them another reason to stare.

       I stood there, staring at the door handle as I thought about just turning around and walking away, but I knew Ruth wouldn't make it that easy for me. Next thing I'd know, she'd be walking to the meeting with me every day after school.

       "You know you can go in, right?" I heard someone ask, and I quickly hid my face away by looking down at the floor. Most people would look up to see who the stranger was confronting them, but I've been taught to just look away and hope they wouldn't see the damage done to me; hope they wouldn't ask questions.

      "I don't think I want to," I said, shrugging my shoulders as I turned away from them. "I changed my mind."

      "Already? You didn't even get to experience the fun," The person said, and they actually sounded kind, but so did most people before they took a look at my face.

      I knew the look I would get. They would instantly be horrified as their eyes widened and mouths fell opened. Then they'd give some petty excuse to walk away from me, and they wouldn't walk-- they would rush away with quick steps, not even daring to look back. Because I was some sort of boogeyman from every child's nightmare.

       "I'm not much of a writer," I offered, hoping they would understand and just let me go. I wasn't much for conversation anymore, so I really wanted this to be over.

      "I'm sure you're not that bad. Come inside. I'm best friends with the president, and he's always accepting of new members. It'll be an easy first day," The person encouraged, and I knew I wouldn't be left alone. They will keep trying to encourage me, so I might as well make him leave instead.

     I lifted my face up, and I saw as his eyes widened slightly at my appearance. Then, a sort of recognition took hold of his expression. He didn't run away. If anything, he stepped closer.

      "Holy shit, you're Liam Payne?" He questioned, and it wasn't unusual that he knew my name. The news of my family's accident was big in town. Everyone knew the story, and there were even people bringing us food everh now and then as a way to comfort us. What would have comforted me was being treated normally-- how I was treated before the accident.

       I didn't reply to the boy, I simply averted my eyes again and looked down at my feet. It didn't seem to deter him in any way.

      "Hey, you don't have to worry about not fitting in if you're going to join a creative writing club. It fuels your writing, your experiences. Nobody will care about the way you look because they'll be too busy focused on the words you write," He offered kindly, but I still felt as if he would run away at any given moment. Or tell all of his friends about seeing and talking to me the next day like I was some mythical creature like Bigfoot or something.

       "I don't want to join a club. My sister wants me to," I muttered, turning my body completely away from the boy. Even from a quick glance, I knew he didn't have a problem making friends at all.

     He had chestnut brown hair that was a bit spiked up in some areas, but his fringe seemed naturally that way. His eyes were a deep blue, and he had a smile that was lovely. He just seemed so... cool. Like anyone would love to be friends with him. There was no way I would fit in with the rest of the club members if the first one I met looked like this. They'd probably talk about me behind my back just like everyone else already does.

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