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Welcome to the first chapter of Scars, another Ziam story lol.

Hope you guys enjoy! 😊

Chapter 1:


        They were there. Everywhere I went. While I was walking down the street, sitting at my school desk, reading in the library, eating at the café, even in my own home. They were there. The stares.

    I never used to get so much attention. In fact, I was basically invisible. I was just another boy in this bland town. I enjoyed sports, went to movies on the weekends, ate pizza while gaming with my friends, and was social with everyone. Then, the accident happened.

   I didn't like to talk about it, but everyone knew about it. Everyone knew what happened in my family, and everyone knew that these scars would litter my face for the rest of my life. I wasn't normal anymore- I was a freak- the biggest of them all.

    "Freak!" I heard someone call, feeling something hit my back as I tried to concentrate on the book I had in my hands. I was at the café, trying to catch up on reading while drinking some tea, but it was never that easy. Not with everyone else around.

   "Hey, freak! Are you deaf now, too?" I heard. I knew who it was. Jaden. He was a jerk, but he was also the most popular boy in school. I guess everyone looked up to him. His dad was sheriff, he was head of the football team, and his mum was head of PTA. The typical perfect family. Meanwhile, my dad was a mechanic, I was an outcast, and my mum....

   I didn't have time to feel any emotion except pain as I felt something get poured over my head-- hot tea. I jumped out of my chair, trying to get it out of my eyes. I heard laughter all around me, and I looked down, seeing my book full of tea that was drying to the pages. It turned the pure white paper into a molting brown.

    "Hey! What the hell happened?" I heard a voice ask. It was a voice I have never heard before. Someone new to town. So, I hid my face. I looked down at the ground, pulling my hoodie up and over my head. This new person didn't have to know. They didn't have to see.

    "What the hell was that? This is my uncle's shop! You can't just pour tea all over our customers! Out! All of you, out!" I heard the guy yell at Jaden and his group of friends. They all gave out mumbles of annoyance as they got up, chairs scraping against floors, and I was trying to leave as well before this guy came to talk to me.

   I was quickly trying to find the right amount of money to pay for my tea when I felt someone push me to the floor, my cup falling and smashing to a hundred little pieces. The sound of the glass breaking made me freeze in shock and horror, so many memories filling my mind.

    "Stop! You're driving too fast! The kids are in the car!" He yelled, screaming at her in a pleading voice, but she ignored him, laughing aloud at how high and happy she felt.

     The tires screeched loudly, and there was a huge bang. I did my best to save her, but my best wasn't enough. Glass shattered. Raining down like glistening raindrops. Twinkling sounds like silver bells ringing. Beautiful, but deadly as they stained with red.

  "Fucker!" Jaden called as he left, but I was stuck in my mind. All of the sounds around me felt distant, as if none of them were in focus at all. I felt a slight panic consume me, but a voice brought me back to my senses.

   "Hey, are you okay?" I heard a voice ask softly, and I knew it was that guy. This guy that I've never met nor heard before. This guy that hasn't seen my face. He can't see my face.

   I looked at the floor, blindly grabbing my book. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks," I coughed out, finally grabbing my book. There was still some tea dripping onto my face from my hair, but I ignored it, just wanting to get out of this place already.

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