Character Ask: Answers

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Hello everybody! Welcome to the character ask!

Warning: Mentions of suicide, depression, bullying, helplessness/hopelessness, and guilt.

A couple of disclaimers: Anything said in a reply to a question is from the characters' perspectives. It does not mean that I necessarily agree with these things-- especially not the homophobic, negative, hateful things. 

With that being said, let's get the most dreaded character out of the way first:


Q: Why are you so fkn mean?

A: It's not mean to remind someone of their place in this world. It's better they know now instead of feeling attacked and hurt later. If anything, I'm the only one being completely honest and authentic.


Q: Do you really judge by looks?

A: What else is there to judge on? Also, who the hell doesn't? If you're referring to that freak with the scars, then I'm not judging. I'm simply letting him know what he already knows. That he's disgusting to look at and should probably think seriously about investing in a mask to cover up his horrendous mess of a face.


Q: Why are you so mean? You call Liam ugly but really you are. People who bring people down are ugly.

A: Whatever you say, I suppose. I don't think many people would agree. They can't even stand to look at his face.


Q: Just f--- yourself

A: I don't need to. Plenty of girls available who are more than willing to do it.


Q: Why are you mean to lima? Are you jealous?

A: Why would I ever be jealous of Payne? What is there to be jealous of? His fucked up face? His mentally insane mum? His dad who begs my dad for me to leave Liam alone instead of doing something about it? He has no future and no worth. He's probably better off joining his mum six feet under, if you ask me.


Q: Did you used to get bullied?

A: No. Never. People know not to mess with me.


Q: Are you hiding under a mask or are you really mean?

A: Not mean. Real.


Q: Why do you feel the need to humiliate people. Is that like some kind of a way to prove your existence?

A: I don't have to prove my existence to anybody. They all see me and know that I'm here. I don't humiliate people, I just let them know what everyone else is thinking but not saying. In Liam's case, he's a fucking nobody who should do us all a favor and just give up.

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