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Hello! Long time no read? Lol

How has everyone been doing? I've been slow on updates because of multiple reasons, but I'm sure some of you know those reasons from my note on my profile. But I will start trying to write more as well for all stories.

This update may feel slow, but it has important factors that begin to build here.

Trigger Warning for a brief mention of suicidal thoughts and for the topic of bullying.

Love you all and I apologize again for the slow updating. ❤

Chapter 38:

"Zayn!" I heard two voices yell out at the same time. They were high-pitched and feminine and a lot smaller. I froze at the kitchen door, pausing with my hand pressed against it. My job was to take out some pastries for the display, but I was sure I was frozen solid now as I glanced through the small window of the kitchen door.

There were two young girls that ran toward Zayn. They both seemed to be in their teenage years, and they both shared Zayn's dark hair and eyes. The way they smiled and hugged one another, I knew just who they were.

Zayn's family was visiting today. It was their first day here. I knew that they would visit the café. Zayn informed me of that already, but I figured there would be some sort of warning before they showed up. If I would have been out there when they walked in, I had no clue how I would have reacted.

I peeked through the small window on the door and saw Zayn's smile grow so wide and bright as he rushed around the counter to hug his sisters. There was a third girl that lingered near the back, only giving Zayn a nudge on the arm and a kind smile. A taller woman followed behind the three girls, a man beside her that shared very similar features to Zayn-- his parents. He pressed a kiss to his mum's cheek and then hugged his dad tight. He looked so at ease with them, and I quite liked the relaxed look he had around them.

I stayed put, listening to their conversation as Zayn returned to his spot behind the counter.

"I'm so glad you all made it. Was the trip too long? Did you have any trouble?" Zayn wondered, moving to make them some drinks already.

"It was fine, dear. We were just excited to arrive. Your uncle is waiting at the hotel for us, so I'm afraid we can't stay long as we planned to."

"That's fine. I can visit after I get off work. And maybe tomorrow night we can arrange a dinner at my flat," Zayn said, both of his parents agreeing so easily.

"So, where is he?" His mum asked, "Where is the boy that you have been gushing about for the past few months?"

I tensed up, swallowing thickly as I heard the excitement in her voice. I didn't think she would be so excited if she knew what I looked like. One look at my face could send anyone running for the hills. It was a miracle Zayn hadn't run away yet.

"He's working in the back, but I told you that he isn't ready to meet you all quite yet. He's just... very shy around new people," Zayn informed, and I saw him mum nod along with his words.

"Let him take as much time as he needs. But please do say hello for me. And tell him that he is always welcome to join us for dinner or any family event. As long as he can handle our bit of crazy," His mum laughed out.

"And your mother's constant doting," Zayn's father spoke with a chuckle.

The way his father smiled down at his mother made my heart ache. It was obvious how in love they were. It reminded me of the way my father used to look at my mother when she was still around. Even as she lost herself to her own mind.

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