Highs and Lows

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Chapter 5:

I rushed out of the school doors as fast as I could, and I didn't slow until I was a block away. I didn't want anyone to catch up with me and try to start a conversation because they'd be sadly disappointed in my nonchalant responses. They'd be even more disappointed to discover that there was nothing interesting about me. I had scars that made me seem like the mysterious, damaged type, but my actual life was anything but. Maybe damaged, but not mysterious in the slightest.

I knew that Ruth wasn't picking me up today because she has to work a late shift at the theater, so she wouldn't be home until around ten. It was up to me to make dinner for her and my dad tonight. I didn't really know what I was going to prepare for them, but I wasn't exactly in the mood to eat.

I dug around in my pockets and found that I had a bit of money saved up from the time Nicola decided to send me some money for my birthday since she couldn't make it home. I could buy a few ingredients and make them something other than the typical meal I leave them. I knew they were tired of spaghetti or noodles or chicken and mashed potatoes. I wanted to make them something else this time around.

I took my money out and began to count it as I walked to the grocery store. Nicola sent me $200, and I only had a small fraction of that left. I had $15, and I didn't have a clue what that could buy me, but I was going to hope it was something good.

I walked to the store, and I made my way inside, pulling up my hood and making sure it was snug against my face before looking up and down the aisles to see what I wanted to make them.

Typically speaking, having someone walk around all day with their hood up and never showing their faces would cause warning signs for others, but everybody seemed to recognize who I was even without seeing my face. They didn't comment either because they would rather not have to look at it either.

I stopped in the middle of the fourth aisle, and I looked at several meal options that I would love to make for my sister and dad. The only problem was, all of them were really pushing my money limit. I had to make them both something filling while also involving vegetables for them somehow. Something new they could try and find tasty.

I must've stood in the aisle for quite some time, just staring at all of the different types of meat and fish and nuggets available. I had no clue what to make with any of them, but I was doing my best to think up ideas. Finally, I heard a familiar voice from beside me.

"You know, you've been standing there for almost half an hour just staring at the food." It was Zayn. Of course it was. I had a feeling that we were always going to be destined to run into each other somehow. That's the reason I chose to believe, anyway. It was much better than assuming he was stalking me all over town.

I didn't say a word back. I just kept looking at the food, and I balled my fist up around the money in my pockets, trying to think of some way to make fifteen equal twenty-something dollars. It was impossible, I knew that, but it felt wrong to give up.

Finally, I sighed and turned to walk away, disappointed in myself for knowing that I would have to make Ruth and my dad one of the typical meals they eat after late days at work.

"Wait, why are you just walking away? What's wrong?" Zayn questioned, walking along behind me, and I just shook my head before he stepped in front of me causing me to stop walking unless I wanted to crash into him.

"Liam, what's wrong? And don't you dare say nothing," He demanded. I didn't want to respond, but I knew that my behavior was unusual. No sane person stands in an aisle of a market for half an hour without even buying anything. And the last thing I needed was for him to pry anymore than necessary.

Scars (Ziam) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora