The Reflection

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Another update for you all!

Warning: This chapter also deals with depressing thoughts as well as self-image issues. Please know that you are all beautiful and wonderful, and I love you all so much!

I will get around to updating other stories as well, but my favorites right now are Guns & Roses and Scars because I feel like these stories are getting closer and closer to their climax and major events happening, and I am super excited about it!

But I will updates Sin, F.F., Caged, Endeavor and Stockholm Syndrome soon! Hang in there, loves! ❤

Chapter 24:

   There was a knock on my bedroom door, and I slowly opened my eyes to see Ruth pushing the door open and glancing inside. I knew she was worried about me still. All I did after therapy was lay in bed without eating or drinking anything. It was probably killing her inside.

  "Hey, Liam. I'm about to head to work. Nicola will be here if you need anything, okay? And dad says to use her phone to call him if you need to." I gave a small nod, not having enough energy to even force a smile. "And um..." She paused, chewing on her bottom lip nervously. "Zayn's here. He asked if he could see you. Do you want me to tell him now's not a good time?"

  It was an actual option. I knew that Zayn would accept it without being dramatic or making a big deal about it if I just told him I wasn't in the mood to talk. He would understand, and it was one of the reasons I liked him so goddamn much. He was so selfless and forgiving; gentle and kind; patient and willing.

  "No, it's fine," I said, looking at the dandelion painting again and remembering what my therapist told me to do. I had to let people in at my own pace. Zayn... he was easier to let in.

  "Okay. I'll send him in. I'm heading out now. I love you."

  "Love you, too, Ruth."

  She left my room, closing the door behind her, and I laid there, mentally preparing myself. There was another soft knock at my door, and I swallowed before answering.

  "Come in."

  The door was pushed opened and Zayn stepped inside, a paper bag in his hand. He shut the door behind him and looked at me with a smile on his face, but I could see the crease in his brow that gave away his worry. Something about that made my heart ache more as I closed my eyes for a moment. I had to ground myself.

   "Hey, Liam. Ruth told me you had a hard time today," He expressed, and I didn't bother with a reply because he was only stating a fact.

   "Aren't you supposed to be at work?" I wondered. It was prime hours of business at the café, and Zayn would be the only help Laurence would have without me going in.

  "Technically, but my uncle gave me the rest of the day off. It was pretty slow today." I had a feeling he wasn't telling me the whole truth, but I didn't pry or press. "I wanted to come and see you. I, um," He lifted up the paper bag he was holding, "I brought frozen yogurt."

   I stared at the bag in his hands, remembering our deal to have frozen yogurt at least once a week. Zayn didn't owe me anything. He broke that deal once, and we would be even if he let me break it now. Instead, he went out of his way to bring me some. I wasn't interested in eating, however.

   "I'm not hungry," I mumbled out, seeing Zayn's smile falter. I hated stealing that smile away, everyone's smiles away, but I couldn't help it. I couldn't play pretend anymore.

  Zayn walked over to my bed, setting the bag down on my nightstand, and he sat on the edge. His hand reached for my face, his fingers running along my cheek and then up through my hair. It was such a delicate touch, and I closed my eyes, feeling calm under his caress.

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