Start from the beginning

"Put your hands were I can see 'em, and turn around slowly." A feminine voice called out in the distance, authority lacing her syllables.

"Oh come on, Doll!" he jibed, knowing fully that the pet name aggravated her.

"Don't! Turn around slowly, or I will shoot. I have no mercy for people like you!" Her voice wavered for a slight second but she got back into professionalism: not letting personal feelings overrule her job.

"I know you can shoot, Doll..." a smirk crossed his features as he slowly faced her as instructed, hands in the air gripping his glock.

"Drop it!" She ordered, taking slow calculated steps she inched closer to him. His signature Cologne halted her movement, choking her senses in the process.

"What's wrong, Doll? I thought you'd love how I smell, you are the one that bought it after all." Striking a nerve, he let his hands fall limply at his sides still holding on to his piece.

"I said don't move! You're making this harder than it has to be." she voiced out, unable to keep out her emotions.

Her body armour- her full FBI black body suit did no justice to her curves, her face mask might've hidden her lips leaving only her sparkling emerald eyes but he knew how her plump lips looked like. Covered or not.

Their late night randevours flashed at the back of his mind. Trailing wet, hot kisses at her neck earning him a low gleeful moan always made him hard in a split second. When he'd fill her up with his cock in her warm, tight pussy he'd swear he wouldn't last ten seconds in her heaven without going wild from pure bliss.

The way her plump lips would wrap around his stiff member would make him question why he'd never thought of wife-ing her, then almost immediately his inner voice would give him the answer he needed.

You can't wife someone who hardly knows who you are, besides- she's just a good fuck; thas it! Don't complicate shit now.

Yeah, she was a good fuck wasn't she?

Concentrate, you dipshit! This ain't the time to be sexualizing someone who's pointing at gun to your goddam head!

Internally rolling his eyes at his internal bickering, he smiled at his lady friend.

Taking her by surprise, he dropped his gun to the concrete floor. Unwilling to accept his feelings, he knew deep down that through their senseless fucking around, he had fallen for her. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her.

He'd always had a problem distinguishing and separating between business and pleasure. One thing he knew though- it had been a good fuck, great in fact, to the point where he might label himself as pussy whipped.

Retracting himself from his sinful pleasures, he reached for the gun he had dropped earlier on the concrete floor.

Without a second thought Ally aka Doll fired a warning shot, grazing through Deon's left shoulder.

The pulsing pain that shot through his body crumbled his resolve. He loved her, dearly, but he was not willing to die in a pool of his own blood for her.

Taking in slow labored breaths, he stood almost upright nursing his fresh bullet wound.

Pressing on the firing pin, bullets rained from all angles. Empty bullet shells cascaded down the building piercing through the silent surrounding.

It all happened faster than he could blink an eyelash. Bodies fell like flies to the cold hard floor succumbing to their fate.

"How did it all go wrong?" He lowly questioned himself.


Prologue done and dusted. It's not all that satisfying but hopefully I did an okay job on this one.

It's my first time writing using the third person POV, I'm still learning and hopefully as I progress writing I get better and used to it.

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-Chido X💋X💋


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