Chapter 19: Killshot

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"Do not worry of such things." He said. "We have a base to destroy." He kicked open the door, making the metal hinges screech in protest before the door flew forward. 

"Not really one for stealth, are you?" Death glanced at Temari. 

"What's the point? They will all be dead soon." Temari shrugged. 

"True, I guess." Three people with blank mask came forward, swords drawn. 

"Who are-" He was stopped in mid-sentence as his head slid off his shoulders, along with his two comrades as they collapsed to the ground. Temari curled her nose up in slight disgust. 

"At least make sure you aren't channeling lightning chakra to your blade, the burning flesh stinks." She said before taking the fan off her back. "Whatever, let's get this over with." She opened her fan and quickly swung it, causing a huge wind justu to go throughout the compound, killing many. 

"You handle the trash, I'll take down the leader." Death said as he walked away from her after getting a nod of confirmation from the girl. 

"If they can't get to me, they can't touch me." Temari said with a smirk as she began doing more wind jutsu with her fan, blasting and killing people with each passing second. 

Death walked into the room where Danzo was standing idly, his eye closed as he meditated, seemingly expecting the boy, Fu in front of him, his sword in hand as he glared at the masked figure in front of him who had attacked his base, his home. 

"Naruto, I hope you know what you're doing." Danzo said, not even turning around to see Naruto take off his mask, revealing his small whisker marks. 

"I don't care. I have one purpose, and that's to serve the Leaf under the rule of the Uchiha." Now this got Danzo's attention, but he didn't look surprised. 

"So, they finally decided to revolt. We've been watching them most closely, well, time to exterminate them." Naruto wasn't phased by the words. 

"Currently, my partner is killing all of the Anbu in the base right now, and my Shadow Clones are easily dispatching the remaining members in the other hidden bases. It's over Danzo, surrender and die peacefully, or die painfully, I will not give you a third choice." 

"I will not fight my greatest accomplishment." Danzo said as he stood up. "Fu, fight him please. If you lose, I will die." Fu looked at Danzo with shock. This man, Danzo Shimura, raised him. Raised HIM. He was the second in command, and now he was to fight for his master's life? 

"I will not let you die this day, Danzo-sama." He shouted, undying conviction in his voice. 

"So we shall see." Danzo replied as he turned around, wanting to watch the fight. 

"I'll kill you, not just for Danzo-sama," Fu ran forward. "But for Torune too!" A single glimpse of light reached Naruto's eyes, but it was repressed as a steel gaze went back in it's place as lightning flickered across his blade before the two swords clashed, sparks giving off. 

The two kept the battle of kenjutsu going, neither being able to land a significant or fatal blow to the other. Naruto leaped over top of Fu, using his elbow to push in the middle of the man's spine, causing him to buckle down before trying to stab Fu in the leg, only to miss and have his sword go straight through the concrete floor. 

Fu swept Naruto's feet out from under him, causing him to fall on his back as he went to stab the grey haired boy right in the chest, but failed as the blade pierced the chest, only to explode, sending him tumbling towards a wall. 

The Third Hatake: A Naruto FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz