Him & I

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I made my way back upstairs to Bakari, not shocked his nosy self was looking and watching from upstairs.

"You seen everything?" I giggled

"Damn right, about time she got some ass whooping". He chuckled and we made our way back to the room, we stayed hugging the entire time, just swaying side to side. Until I decided to break the silence.

"I'm so happy you remember".

"I'm happy I do to. I'd never want to forget the things you and I have done together. The things we went through to be here. I would have hated to forget my love for you".

"You wouldn't have known to hate it...silly". I giggled

"I would eventually, amnesia is temporary. It would have came back to me sooner or later". He looked down at me and smirked. "So you need me huh....I'm all you got....you love me". His smug look was making me was smack the taste out his mouth.

"Boy! Stop it! I was emotional". I lied even though I was emotional the words I spoke are the true. I meant every word I said.

"Nah...girl you love me and I love you just as much. Maybe even more". He smiled. "Now who is this we you spoke of that needed me".

Shit! I completely forgot about saying that. Well it was now or never to tell him, I was going to have to sooner or later.

"I'm pregnant Bakari, you have a daughter". I looked away, afraid of his reaction. Scared that it was going to be a bad one.

I suddenly felt his hand under my chin and make me face him, just so he can sneak a kiss.

"Your giving me a daughter, man there really is a god". He smiled. "Are you spoiling me now". He chuckled.

"Spoiling you?" I giggled

"Giving me a gift that I'll be able to cherish forever". He paused, then said "I have a daughter". Like it was unbelievable. Like this was a gift from the Lord. Which having a child is in fact a gift from the gods.

"I'm shocked you didn't have a child by now".

"I would never have sex with Freya unprotected. With you....I just didn't care about the consequences".

"Awe...look at you all-". Jay busted in the door, a whole hamburger in her hand.

"Some woman with some stupid ass name is as the door".

"Who". Bakari questioned

"I'm not entirely sure, I just know one of them has my name. The other is Nova I think?"

"Nola". I stated looking at Bakari.

We ended up rushing down the stairs towards the front door. Which took longer than I thought, his house was way to large for me. I'd never buy something is huge or complicating. I was going to have to get used to it though, seeing as if my child might spend her days here.

Nola and Jazmine were standing right in the front of the home. Admiring the interior design of the home. They both better get a good look, because if they get me mad enough tonight, this might be the last thing they ever see.

Just like Jazmine had no issue raping a child and Nola had no problem letting her cousin get raped, I have no issue with putting my hands on them both and dropping them like flies.

"What the heck you want....nah let me rephrase  that.... why the fuck is your bum ass here!" I screeched.

Jazmine looked to me then completely ignored my statement, looking towards Bakari. "Baby cousin....your coming to the wedding right. It's in a few weeks....Joel don't want his little cousin missing his big day".

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