Kin? Mommy's Home ✅✔️

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When we landed I was happy to be close with Kin again. To be on the same land again, he was the one thing I missed here in New York.

I didn't even miss my job as much as I missed, Kin
He was probably with Maria at her home or was with Kin at mine. Either didn't matter, as long as both Kin and Maria were under a roof, fed and safe.

"Mamas". I heard. "Babygirl, Princess, dollface". My body was being lightly shaken, I could hear 1% of the nicknames he had for me. I opened my eyes, looking up at Bakari's face. "Angel face" he stated smiling. "We've landed, let's go". He held his hand out for me to grab to help me out of bed.

"I bet my hair is a mess". I laughed it off even though I know I probably look like a lioness.

"Just a little, but here". He pointed down, saying "Knees".

"Uh, Bakari, I don't think head will solve my hair issue". I was extremely confused but he just laughed

"I don't want you to give me head, girl". His loud hearty laughter boomed out again. "I would have asked first.......maybe". He pulled a scrunchy from his pocket, using one hand to form a ponytail, and the other to tie the scrunchy around my hair.

I got up and I immediately sauntered over to the nearest possible mirror.

I didn't look half bad, I wouldn't mind wearing it like this. "It looks nice Kari, thank you".

"Let's go home". He smiled at me and reaching for my hand.


I was happy to be back in the city, I really missed my pup. That was the first thing I did when I got home.

Bakari couldn't leave me alone either, he was just as excited as I was to be reunited with Kin. As soon as the door to my apartment opened the scraping of baby puppy paws started to scrap across the flooring.

"Kin!" I called out way too excited for words, "Mommy's home". The little pup ran right into my arms, I raised him high in the air and he instantly gave me dog kisses. "Here give him kisses". I gave the little golden-haired pup to Bakari.

"Hey little man, how's it going. You good?" He sounded as if he was talking to a child, but Kin might as well have been my child. He was the only thing I had close to a baby.

I wanted a child, I really did want a family. But I haven't found someone who's ready to settle down, and have a little mini family with me. It sucks as well, all the guys my age really don't know how to act and sometimes girls like me get played.

It's a reason for my attraction to older men, they are more matured. Not all of them, but more of them than the 20-year-olds who act like teenagers.

In high school people thought I was weird for it, I honestly didn't have a care in the world, however. If I wanted to date someone older than me then what's the issue? As long as my partner isn't old enough to be my parent then I see no issue.

20 years older is a little too much, now that's parent worthy. I had a vow to myself, anything under 15 years older was acceptable. Anything over that is like dating your parents.

I needed a man who was older, old enough to have a mature line of thinking, but young enough that my dad will accept him. Not to mention, he's still able to perform in bed and be able to help around the house.

Bakari is an option, he's older, and he's under my limit. He's sweet and he's a gentleman, but he has his issues. That's not a bad thing but I have my own issues and demons to deal with as well. I do want this to work, I will stay with him as long as I can, comfort him for as long as he'll permit.

Say You Won't Let Go *EDITING*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora