Temptation ✅

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Of course, the hotel exceeded my expectations, yet again. Bakari always outdoing himself with everything.

"You can stay with me or I can give you the key card to the second room I got," He explained

"It's cool whichever you think is best". I was far too busy with the beauty of the hotel.

"Then you can stay with me". He added a smirk to his face before opening the door and allowing me inside first. I had to take a glimpse at the oversized room, I think I did 50 double takes because I was so mesmerized. This hotel room was almost as big as my apartment.

I wouldn't know what to do with all this space, especially if I was alone in my own room. Good thing I didn't choose to be alone. All our bags were brought inside and I made sure they were set off to the side.

"So why did we come here?" I questioned.

"For you?" He blurted out. It was the most shocking and random thing that came out of his mouth.

"For me?"

"Lucas mentioned some things to me about you, and I mentioned them to Mr. Matthews so bringing you out here was apart of our project".

I was utterly confused, I didn't know what they were doing or up to. I didn't know the project they were working on had anything to do with me, is that why he barely spoke to me?

"Are you serious? You are really annoying". I punched his arm and walked over to the bed.

"So uh, you and Lucas... are".

"Friends". I said casually, "I guess he developed feelings in the process. I might have as well, but I have feelings for two guys right now".


"Yes, and I honestly don't know which is for me. Who can be the best for me," I admitted.

"Do you hate me?" He asked randomly

"Why would I hate you, Kari?" I turned away from the bed to look him directly in his eyes.

"For the way we met, the threesome, everything"

"I don't hate you. I hate myself. I shouldn't have done something like that. You're my boss, we can't have anything but that".

"But we can-"

"No, we can't, Bakari". I interrupted, not wanting to hear anymore. "You're married, and I have someone who wants me. We both live in two different worlds. We can't be together, it just didn't work out like that for us, and you're just going to have to accept it". He didn't have anything else to say at that point. "I think I am going to need the other room key after all".

I walked over to the dresser that held the keys and grabbed the one opposite of this room and exited walked out. Dragging my belongings into the room next door.

I set my stuff down at the door and plopped down on the bed. I let out a groan when my back came in contact with the bed. It was a soft and comfy mattress, I felt like I was laying on a cloud as snow. I didn't want to leave it, I just wanted to stay here and live on forever.

I also was in a very beautiful traveling area that people wish they could go to. I decided on exploring in the morning, sightseeing, and just enjoying the culture. Instead of moping around here acting all sad because of choices I made.

I was drifting off to sleep when I heard a gentle knock at my door. So I got up, my feet hitting the cold floor and I walked to the door opening it to meet Bakari's figure.

"Oh good, thought I was going to have to use the spare key," he chuckled, but it wasn't funny.

"Spare key? Since when did you have a spare key have you lost your mind?" I asked.

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