No! It Can't Be

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Another month and a half goes by and my 3 month pregnancy bump is close to starting to show. I look as if I'm starting to gain weight, I try the best I can to hide it with cute little varsity jackets, and it's a good cover since it's mid March and it's warm. Spring time and wearing jackets aren't a completely eliminated yet.

Soon I won't have that possibility to cover using jackets, but it's not as if I'm caring much if people around me know I'm pregnant. I was proud, the love of my life gave me something worth cherishing.

I'm close to finding out the gender, so I can give him or her a name. I thought about naming her or him after Bakari, but I didn't find anything for it it was a girl. I could name it Kari if it was a boy. Or maybe Hunter. I could think of many boy names, but drawing complete blanks for a girl. Which was weird but I didn't like any names I could have found on the web.

It was like the universe was telling me I was having a boy. In another month I'll be able to figure that out to be true.

So I went to work and today after work, I'm going to visit Bakari again per usual, nothing out of the ordinary. This time I have my 3 month check up, then I'll be able to check up on him.

So I got my readings, they were starting to get boring. I can't wait til I get to see the baby, a sonogram. This little adventure was the most exciting. I visited Bakari's room for a hour and then went to visit Jay. Who was patiently waiting for me in the lobby.

"Baby cousin, how are you and mini you holding up". She smiled getting up from her seat and heading towards me.

"I'm great, and it's doing great.". I giggled looking down at my belly. Which was starting to poke out which excited me.

"That's amazing, I can't wait to be some kiddos Auntie". She smiled

"You know technically since your my cousin, you'd be the baby's older cousin not Auntie".
I giggled

"Well I think since you have no siblings, I'd like to think I'm over qualified to be a Auntie". He retaliated.

"You right Auntie Jay". I giggled and we made our way up to her apartment for the night. I stayed over not wanting to really be alone tonight, just needing a friend.

A good month later I'm officially 16 weeks pregnant and I'm able to tell the gender, I laid back on the chair, while Jay held my hand.

The doctor placed the cold gel on my stomach smiling down at me. I couldn't wait, the tension was killing me slowly. She used her medical tool and rubbed the gel in all over my belly.

"Well Doctor hows my baby doing". I asked excitedly, the dr's reaction to my excited behavior was beautiful. She must love this job, she had a piece of paper in her hand and handed it to me.

"Your daughter....... is doing great". She smiled hard waiting for my reaction to her sentence.

"I have a daughter!"

"I have a niece!" Jay said excitedly, jumping from her place in the room happily. The lights in the room were flicked on and the gel wiped from my stomach.

"Thank you doctor". She smiled and exited while Jay and I jumped for joy. "I'm a mother! To a babygirl". I smiled

"Now will she look like you? Or Bakari?" She giggled. "Now with both of y'all looking how y'all looking this baby finna be a snack. Bakari might have boys to worry about with this one". She chuckled

"Oh shut up Jay". I laughed

"Girl growing up you had issues with men yourself. You were fifteen when a grown man pulled up on you and asked you out".

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