What Did I Do?

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I woke up before either of the two of them did. I took this as the chance to leave before I was spotted. I couldn't handle being in the same room as them anymore. The sudden regret that I knew would wash over me, did. I shouldn't have done that.

He's my boss and Freya is his wife, we should have had nothing but a working relationship. Instead, he worked me. That was the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me. I hurried and tried my best to pry myself from the bed. In the mix of sleep, Freya ended up behind me spooning me.

I didn't enjoy it one bit, last night I would have, this morning it just reminded me of last night's activities. The shameful act that made me want to slap myself. I knew I was going to regret it why did I continue on with it.

This is the weird things I do, I overthink everything. My first threesome ever and I regret it when I should be happy about this experience.

I couldn't help but feel rejected and used even though I willingly went along with this.

I hurriedly ran into the bathroom, to collect and gather my clothes. Sliding the slightly wrinkled jeans over my unclothed legs. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and I noticed the hugest hickey on my frontier neck.

I mentally cried at this blemish on my neck. I rubbed on it hoping it was just smeared makeup even though I knew it wasn't.

I wanted to do a freakout but I would wake them up and I didn't want to do that. That was the last thing I wanted to do at this moment. I slipped my shirt on over my upper body, but it didn't cover my neck one bit, not even my shoulders.

I didn't even place my heels on my feet I just slipped out the bathroom hurrying to escape to the room before I woke the sleeping bodies that had previously sexed me the night before.

My toes hitting the floor as I ran out of the house and down the stairs into the large and difficult to navigate halls.

I ran around frantically trying to find the exit, but the doors seem to lead everywhere except the exit.

It frustrated me, making me run around like a crazy person. Every door looked the same, I don't understand how rich people live in the houses they lived in.

The largest door was the last damn door I decided to open. Which was the one leading to the freedom of the outside.

I ran down his long driveway, trying my best to avoid anything that looked to dirty.

I hopped around on one door trying to put my heel on my foot.

Coming up on the gates of the house, they were so close but I knew I wouldn't be able to hope it in heels.

The gates to the house wouldn't open, making me stuck on his grounds. I just want to go home damn it.

I shook on them, trying my best to look around for a keypad of some sort. Even if I did I wouldn't know the password to open the gates.

The gates suddenly opened and I whirled around looking behind me, I knew I couldn't have opened the gates.

Bakari in just his boxers, staring at me in a state of panic.

"I didn't know you were in such a rush, I thought you would have at least stayed for breakfast".

His remark made me angrier, I know he didn't know I felt ashamed, but I wasn't about to take it out on him. I wasn't his fault, it was my own and I was just going to have to live with it and deal with it my own way.

"No...I have to go". I turned around to start walking out the now opened gate but his voice stopped me in my tracks

"Did you want me to pay you?" His remark really sparked a bad flame in me. "For your work?". He said hesitantly

I spun around dramatically and started for him, I poked his chest a couple of times in my best efforts of not trying to punch him in his throat.

"I'm no prostitute, I don't get paid for sex. Don't ever disrespect me like that". I curled my lips into a frown and turned to storm away from his estate. Not looking back once.


My walk home was long, his estate wasn't close to my home at all.

Instead of offering money to me like I was some sort of dirty whore he could have offered a ride. But it's not like I would have taken one from him. Not after that remark, making me feel even worse about what I did.

Is that all he thought of me, when we met in the apartments, he was so nice to me. Little did I know he was just planning on making me a pawn in his little sex game.

My feet were aching but I still couldn't stop thinking about how he came after me this morning, or how sexy he looked in just his boxers. Even on soft, his print was something to be amazed by.

I can't even imagine how I took that last night, I barely even saw it but I knew if I did see I probably wouldn't have done what I did.

Thinking back on how I fingered his wife made me the most embarrassed. Now every time I look at him I will see myself doing that.

This morning looking at him made me want to fuck him alone on the front lawn. Just me and him one on one in the most public area in his estate. Not caring if paps came and snapped millions of pictures of us.

His wife was such a free spirit she probably wouldn't even care. At this very moment, I found myself for the first time ever, jealous. I was jealous of her.

I was jealous that she was lucky enough to have married the one man, that lots wanted. The one man who made me sexually frustrated and he wasn't even in my presence.

I have no idea why I'm like this about him when he barely met under a week ago. He has some type of gravitational pull on me and I didn't know why.

I barely know this guy and I wanted to just get his image out my head, get his smell out my mind. His face and beautiful features from me and I just couldn't.

It was totally frustrating, Bakari didn't even have to try and he had me wrapped me around his finger.

This was the most struggle I've had with a man since college.

This time was different I didn't even know this guy, the only things I knew were from google.


I finally made it to my apartment and had no time or patience to talk to anyone or greet a single person in the lobby.

I just made my way to the elevators and tried to compose myself.

The thoughts of last night couldn't fly away from my thoughts. To compose me was one of the hardest things to do, knowing that I was going to have to see him tomorrow.

His smug face and brown eyes, staring at me.

Not talking to him was inevitable, I could only not do that for so long. He's my boss, and I'm the highest rank there was. I was his assistant and I doubt he was going to tolerate disrespect from the one woman he was going to have to see throughout the entire day.

I rested my head on my Cotten filled pillows, having my head rested and sinking into them. The heaviness of my thoughts weighting in my head making it seem heavier on my shoulders. The weight was too much for me as I tried to lift my head up again to look for the remote, but that became a mini factor in priority and I soon didn't care for it anymore.

I just sat in my darkroom, the darkness surrounding me hid me away, I was surrounded by emptiness and shallow darkness.

The silent room allowed my thoughts to be brought up again. The way I had nothing to take my mind off of it, nothing to preoccupy me to make me think of something else.

The ways his hands traveled over me, the way he sparked a fire in my body just by his eyes being on my skin. Everything about the encounter was memorable, but the only reason I was regretting it was because it was with people I was going to have to make myself comfortable around, but how can I do that if I had let them sex me?

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