Love Being With You✅✔️

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I waited until morning to pack, I knew I had to tell Bakari about what I had said but I didn't know what to do. The attorney did say he was supposed to stay away from me. I just called him, to my surprise he seemed to be in a rush.

"Bakari, What are you doing?" I asked through the phone, worry written all in my voice.

"I'm packing, I can't be here, not with Freya. I need some space".

"You want to leave New York, we basically just got back". I mentioned even though I was planning on leaving as well.

"She's been trying to talk to me about things I don't care about, Olivia. She keeps trying to fix our broken marriage".

"Take me home Bakari". I ignored his words and just blurted out mine.

"What?" I could hear all the noise that was in the background cease to exist.

"Take me back to Louisiana and come be my Dad's groomsman". I blurted out again.

He stopped talking and then the phone call went dead. 5 minutes later my door was being knocked on and I hurried to open it. Bakari was holding his luggage and smiling in my face.

"Let's go, babydoll".

I smiled walking deeper into my house to grab my bags. Grabbing the handle and walking, of course, he grabbed my suitcase leaving me to carry basically nothing besides my coffee.

The taxi to the airport felt different, it felt rebellious. Freya thinks he's not with me, it's not like she can force him not to hang out with me, it's not the law. Not listening to a couple's attorney isn't illegal. Bakari has every right to hang with any woman he desired, considering he's separated from Freya.

I still felt a little mischievous, but I was just going to ignore it. I was happy to be going back to my father and happy to be doing it with this man. It gives my father a chance to meet Bakari.

The only issue I was worried about right now is how my father would feel about Bakari. I just hoped nothing went wrong, I hoped my father liked Bakari as much as I did, well not as much, but close enough.

I prayed I didn't have to bump into Donavan if he's still in Louisiana. I don't need another fiasco setting Bakari and I backward again. We have already been through so much with Nola and the whole sexual assault as a child issue. We didn't need Donavan falling into my life and setting us back even further with my own horrible past.

The taxi stopped at the airport and we were on our way, the last thing I really had to do was mentally prepare myself for whatever can possibly happen. I knew I was strong enough to handle it, no matter how much I felt like I'd shatter in the face of danger.

I had moved to New York to fulfill my career and I did that in a matter of months, I can't believe I'm telling myself I can build a whole fashion franchise but can't face my ex.

That sounds highly pathetic, I need to woman up.

Running into an can be awkward but it's not hard. I shouldn't be thinking about it so much.

I'm just going to focus on my dad's wedding. Bakari navigated me through the airport, his hand on my back, pushing me through all the right doors, and halls. Ushering me through the crowds of people, until we got to his plane.

This for one is the most I have traveled ever, during this whole year I took 3 two way trips, in a matter of months.

I guess being with Bakari is that way, surprise trips to fancy places, and now to my hometown.

I still haven't gotten used to this life, I didn't think I wanted to. I liked the simple life, I liked having to work hard for my money, it's all I know. With this business that seems to be progressing, I won't have to work much anymore.

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