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Make sure if you already aren't, follow me and vote, comment and all of that good stuff on my story!!!

Any poems written in this story are completely my own, so if your going to use them, give credit. It took lots of time to make them up, and lots of google searching to get inspiration.

Credit is all I'm asking for if you take the poem.



Bakari and his wife Freya are looking for something! They need someone beautiful and daring and outgoing. Oliva a adventurous souls who moves to New York in hopes of living her dream of becoming a fashion designer and having her own label. Will she end up making the biggest mistake of her life? Or will it end up not being a mistake?

Started 10/11/18

A little sneak peak!

I peeled my eyes open, allowing them to receive the sun from the light peering through my window.

"Moving Day", I placed both feet firmly on the wood surface peeking out from under my bed. I stretched my arms out wide cracking my back in the process. I had a little a little spring in my step this morning. I had just paid off my new apartment in New York. I couldn't wait to move and get a fresh start, new job new life. Hopefully new friends.

I glanced around my room for one last time knowing that I was leaving and wasn't soon returning. I lived my whole life here, but I was ready to pack up my old life and save in my back pocket while my new life took the lead.

The only thing easy about this is, I don't have many friends that I'm leaving behind. Every friend I ever had fucked me over. I remember distinctly Destiny. She was the one friend that I thought actually cared about me.

That was until she hooked me up with Donavan. We dated for merely 2 months before I caught him with his tongue down her throat. It didn't make sense at first, and I never really did get any answers from them. It was all just something I had to deal with. The pain never really left, the weight on my shoulders from that day never really lightened.

Walking over to the counter I grabbed my clothes the only pair I had left out since everything else was packed.

I looked at myself in the mirror just as excited as I could have ever been. I couldn't wait to be getting out of here, far from all my past problems. I turned the shower on and stepped inside.

I washed everything, leaving the shower with wet hair. I changed into my most relaxing clothes, a pair of relaxing cotton shorts, and a sweater crop top, with white converse.

When I got to my new place I didn't want to do anything except relax on everything. All my old couches were thrown away, I had brand new ones coming in and I couldn't wait.

Hope this little preview made you want more this is only the first chapter ( part of it) it's getting better!!

Okay it might take some time for me to publish the next chapter only because since I just finished a story I think I deserve a break to just relax and chill and just read other stories I have been meaning to read.

I just published this so you guys know it's coming, I am writing chapters so don't just think I'm not doing anything I'm writing and reading doing both.

Thanks for understanding❤️

Say You Won't Let Go *EDITING*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat