That Time Hanzo Almost Killed Genji

Start from the beginning

"No...and it usually only takes him like two days to simmer his anger down. I don't know how else to appease him."

"Try to talk to him again--just you and he. He hates being pressured by a lot of people, so it's best it be private, you know?"

Genji clicked his tongue before flashing you a smirk. "You sure know a lot about Hanzo, don't you, (Y/N)?"

"What are you suggesting? Of course I know many things about Hanzo: I'm his servant after all."

"You know that excuse is getting quite old, (Y/N)."

You merely rolled your eyes and shrugged your shoulders. "Think whatever you want, Genji...I just want us to be okay again." You sighed mournfully and softly rubbed your covered arms as a chill ran over you. "I miss him."

The teasing smile that decorated Genji's face dipped down until it turned into a full frown, one that the rambunctious young man couldn't even be bothered to conceal anymore.

"Yeah, I get you." He ran a stiff hand to comb the persistent green spikes back over his head. "I kinda want to bro it out with him again; kinda impossible to do it now I suppose."

You no longer replied afterwards, and you became as still as stone. This sudden quietude over your part didn't go past the younger Shimada's head, but once the tension became too thick to handle, Genji blew a loud raspberry, which caught you off guard to say the least.

Enough was enough.

"Alright, fine." He said as he crossed his arms lightly. "I'll go talk to him." He dropped his mock scowl and clicked his tongue before going on to say, "Just stop being so sad--and don't worry, my brother is very fond of you. He'll forgive us for your sake in no time."

"Thank you, thank you so much, Genji." You gasped in gratitude, smiling all the while you were hugging him. "Please do! Oh, I can't bear the thought of never being able to talk to my master ever again..."

"Master?" Genji quipped with a questioning brow, looking down at where you were staring up at him.

You decided to correct yourself. "I friend."

"You know what, close enough but we have to do more work on your labeling. you know where he usually is around these times?"

"Hmmm..." You looked up to think. "I mean, if he isn't anywhere else, he should be in the training room."

"Got it." He grinned once more. "Well, wish me luck. I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Thank you so much, Genji! I wish you all the luck."

With one last hug, and a quick one at that, the Shimada bid farewell and exited the room, finally going on the hunt to look for his older brother.


Finding Hanzo didn't take as much time as Genji had expected, much to his pleasant surprise.

The sharp and angry sound of combat coming out from the training room didn't deter the young man in the slightest, judging from the little hop that he put in his step as he neared his objective. Of course this was all false confidence, a fake it til you make it mentality--one that has helped him countless times rise above all his other peers in terms of popularity in the old schools he used to attend.

Genji knew it was too late to turn back, and once he was close enough, he took in a sharp breath, let off a big smile, and approached Hanzo with a few friendly pats on the other's damp shoulder as though all had been fine and dandy between the two of them for the past few days or so.

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