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Some weeks had passed and Emma had been confined to the bunker for longer than she wanted. Castiel had been watching over her as much as possible, but only he could do so much between her, the boys, and heaven.

"This blows."

She said laying on the floor of the library with a book on her chest. She sighed rubbing her eyes. She was reading one of the many books by Dean and Sam's family. Castiel looked down at Emma.

"Perhaps if you weren't so reckless, you wouldn't be confined to the big house."

Emma arched a brow and couldn't help but grin. Castiel still was learning human lingo and it was always amusing to her.

"It must not have been too reckless considering you helped."

Castiel turned more looking right dead at Emma, seeing that grin she had on her face.

"I had complete faith that if something were to happen to you, you would contact me."

"Oh okay. Glad you have faith in me Cas. Least one of y'all does."

"Emma, we all have faith in you. It's Crowley we don't trust."

Emma picked the book up off her chest and sat up. She looked at Castiel frowning.

"But I trust him. Can't you trust me with that? You don't think that I would honestly hang around someone that I think would do me harm or kill me?"

She said pushing herself up off the floor and putting the book on the table. She crossed her arms over her chest and looked at him.

"Back when you first rolled in I didn't trust you. I mean, what would an angel want with the likes of us -- aside from trying to kill us?"

"But I never -- "

"Hey, there were a few times you were possessed where you tried to off me bro."

She said moving her hand and poking him in the chest. Castiel looked confused at Emma's actions. It was only when he turned up and looked at her.

"I care Emma. Enough to not "off" you during any time of the day. Crowley, however, is evil, and unpredictable."

Emma rolled her eyes. It was the same old song and dance with Castiel. No matter how much she tried to get him to see Crowley in a different light it seemed like it wasn't going to work.

So she pulled out her phone and started a message.

Emma: Hey I haven't heard from you in a while. How goes Hell and being King?

She then slipped the phone into her pocket and looked at the wall across from them.

"I know you both don't see eye to eye on a lot of things, but Crowley isn't going to hurt me -- that's something you can both at least agree on is my safety."

She said rolling her eyes before walking away from Castiel. Sighing Emma walked over to the stairs that lead up and out of the bunker. Once she was outside she took a deep breath of fresh air. A smile came to her lips seeing that it was a full moon out. Sure the whole werewolf thing was something to be worried about, but Emma was going to enjoy her sight the best she could.

She turned and looked up on the hill deciding to climb it and sit on the top where she laid down on her back and watched the night sky.

It was nippy, but not as cold as it had been the past couple nights. Feeling a vibration in her pocket Emma pulled out her phone and seen that Crowley had messaged her back.

Crowley: It's a job, but somebody has to do it. How's my favorite Princess doing?

Emma couldn't help but smile and roll her eyes. Crowley was a flirt when it came to anything with legs, but her he was just plain cheesy at best. Her finger moved quick across her phone screen.

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