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Emma had fallen asleep on the couch clinging to Crowley when a rush of air hit her on the face. Starting to open her eyes, she hesitated once hearing Crowley speak.

"Well, what do you know Castiel her little guardian angel shows up shortly after she does, just like a loyal doggy."

"Crowley, hand her over."

Emma felt Crowley's hand come down over her back and stroke her left arm with his fingers. He must have been doing this to annoy Castiel, and it must have been working.

"Crowley -- "

"Sorry, but she called me up and wanted to get away from all the drama for a bit. Honestly, how much fighting do you boys do with her?"

"We're doing what's best to protect her -- "

"Yeah, yeah. And I can tell she's so grateful by it by being here in, well, my arms not yours."

Emma heard Castiel scuffle closer to them, his gruff voice getting hotter by the second.

"Give her back now or I'll -- "

"Or what? You won't do anything. You can't, really, because you wouldn't dare do anything that would hurt Emma. And well, I found out some stunning information tonight about her feelings with me."

There was a long silence and Emma could hear that smug devious smirk that Crowley had in his tone.

"Hurt me, you lose what little left of Emma you have mate. Plan and simple."

Again silence it was only when Emma shifted more against Crowley and her arms wrapped around his chest more to hug him, did Castiel speak.

"You can't be trusted with her, you'll get her killed."

"I'm sorry, but have you met the Winchesters? They're the ones with the track record for getting the people they care about killed."

Emma slowly started to open her eyes becoming obviously exhausted over their, not so quiet, bickering.


She sighed moving one of her hands to rub her eyes. Cas's eyes widened as he looked at her as she slowly slid to sit up waking up.

"I'm fine. Tell the boys I'm okay here and go."

"I can't Emma, I promised them I would bring you back with me."

Emma looked up at Castiel. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and seen just how upset he looked. Then she turned and looked at Crowley, who was just sitting there as chill as ever. He looked at her, his expression relaxed as his head was rested against his hand while his arm was proped up against the arm of the couch.

"I'm sorry Cas, but I'm staying here for a while."

Emma said turning back and looking up at Cas. The man narrowed his eyes, he didn't like this choice at all.

"Don't make me drag you back there Emma. You can't -- "

"You, my feathered friend, won't be touching her. Haven't you heard of consent?"

Crowley snapped. Emma knew that Crowley was only playing his little games that pissed everyone off, and she could tell from Cas that it was working.

"I'll come back in a couple of days. Just gimme time to myself please."

She begged looking up at Cas. He glanced between the two of them frowning.

"Alright, I will continue to search for you, I'll give you a couple of days, but if anything happens just -- "

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