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"What is this suppose to accomplish?"

Emma asked looking at Sam. Sam was grabbing some supplies in a bag before he was going to head down into the basement. The basement where Crowley was being kept.

"You know what it's going to do to him Em. It's our only chance while we've got him."

Sam explained ziping up the bag and pulling it off the table. Emma rubbed her arms with her hands as she stood there looking at the younger brother.

"But what's going to happen in Hell while he can't keep an eye on things? He's tried to hurt us, but -- "

"He nearly killed you Em."

Sam quickly interjected. She shook her head.

"He was holding me as bait. He never harmed me -- "

"Still, he was using you against us. We have to do this Em. We have no other choice."

Sam said looking at the girl before turning and leaving the kitchen. Emma let her arms drop as Sam disappeared into the basement to continue to inject Crowley with blood.

It was true she wasn't a hunter. She didn't really know anything about ghosts and monsters, but she knew about demons and angels. Cas was a dear friend to her. She enjoyed his company and how oblivious he was about human nature.

But Crowley, Crowley was a whole other level. He was a demon. A demon that Sam and Dean was trying to turn human somehow.

She sighed pacing the kitchen until she heard the door to the basment open again after a long while. She heard Sam's heavy boots moving down the hall toward the bathroom. That's when Emma became curious. Thats when she removed herself from the kitchen and headed for the basement.

When Emma came down the stairs she didn't expect to see the King of Hell look so defeated. She didn't expect to see him covered in his own blood and filth.

She felt horrible for the demon.

She watched as Crowley looked up from looking at the floor. When he seen her she noticed that he sat up straight in his chair.

His hands bound, his neck had a large collar around his neck. And he sat in some type of circle. She wasn't entirely sure as to what it was, but she knew it was to keep him trapped there.

"Hello princess."

He said greeting her. That had been her nickname. Princess. Princess because of Sam and Dean always coming to her aid and rescuing her when she would wind up as the damsel in distress.


She greeted creeping closer to him, but stopping at the edge of the large circle. She looked around it not understanding a thing.

"So what do I owe the pleasure? Moose even know you're down here? Breaking the rules are we?"

He asked his voice sounding tired as he watched her. She frowned deeply and slowly took a step into the circle. When nothing happened she kept walking closer. Crowley arched a brow watching her approach him.

His eyes darted down to her hand that slipped into her back pocket. He expected it to be something to harm him, something she was going to threaten him with for all the horrible times he had kidnapped her and held her hostage against the Whinchesters and Cas.

So it surprised him when it was a small white handkerchief that she pulled out.

"I um, here."

She said holding it out to him. He looked dumbfounded at the offer. He hasn't expected this at all from her. Then again, she wasn't a hunter and she wasn't stupid like the boys.

"Hands are tied darling."

Crowley said motioning that his hands would barely move. He watched her eyes widen from her mistake.

"Oh... lemme then."

She said moving it to wipe away from of the blood on his forehead. Some of the dirt and grime. Crowley closed his eyes for a second feeling her touch against his skin. The softness she tended to him. His eyes opened back up when she removed her hand from his forehead. He looked up at her and she looked down at him.

"You'll be in major trouble if Squirrel finds out you've been down here."

He said for whatever reason. It's not as if he gave a damn if she got in trouble or not, she was just a human, but he warned her anyway.

"Worst he'll do is yell at me. I'll cry a little, you know same ol same ol."

She said half joking half truth. She really would cry if Dean yelled at her, she couldn't stand telling.

"Why are you down here? Surely it's not to just wipe my blood and nasty dirty onto that nice handkerchief?"

"No. I wanted to ask you something."

She said hesitantly. Crowley shifted in his hair a little. This girl, no this woman, who stood before him was odd. She wasn't rough and tough like the Whinchesters. She wasn't a Hunter. She was just a normal young woman with the purest soul he had ever seen in anyone before.

And she was down here cleaning him and wanting to ask him questions.

"Well, it's not like I don't have the time. Ask away princess."

He told her. She rung her dirty handkerchief around in her hands anxiously. Standing two foot away from the King of Hell would do that to anyone though she supposed.

"What... what exactly is Sam doing when he tries to turn you human?"

"You sure he wants you to know sweet heart? I think he would have told you if he wanted you to know."

Crowley said. Emma frowned deeply her grip tightened, Crowley noticed.

"He's using his blood to turn me human. Injecting it into the base of my neck."

"Blood? He's injecting you with his blood?"

Emma said baffled. She had heard and seen strange things being with the brothers, but this was the weirdest thing yet.

"But you're a demon. How can human blood -- "

"Princess you're asking a lot of questions that don't concern you. I suggest you return to your happy, warm little family upstairs and leave me down here to rot."

Emma shuffled back a bit. Crowley's rude and sudden snap caused her concern. He was always a gentleman when it came to her, even during her - several - captures in which he attempted to use her against the boys.

But tonight for whatever reason was different.

"You're a bad guy, but even you don't deserve something a cruel as this..."

She said causing Crowley to give a throaty chuckle.

"Sweet heart, if only you knew about a small fraction of what I've done you'd disagrees."

She looked into his eyes. Frowning, she couldn't help but feel even the least bit sorry for him.

Sorry for the King of Hell.

Roses are Red and so is Blood || Crowley | Supernaturalजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें