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Before she even knew what had happened Emma had been returned to her room, along with Crowley. She held onto him hating the feeling so much of being teleported all the time.

She hated when Cas did it and she hated it now with Crowley.

"Here. Take your blade back."

She said holding it out. Crowley took it and watched as she walked over to her bed. Her oversized T-shirt was covered in dirt and her legs didn't seem the best either.

"I can't believe you pulled something like that -- "

Emma said sitting down on the bed. She looked at Crowley frowning.

"I did what I had to do to get rid of that threat. The woman would have killed us all."

Crowley said looking at Emma.

"Do you believe her? When she said the Winchesters brought her back to kill you?"

Emma asked her eyes saddening. She didn't wanna think Sam and Dean would go so far to take down Crowley. That they would bring Abaddon back to this world and pretend that they didn't know anything.

"I wouldn't put it past them."

Crowley said the blade vanishing as he came toward the bed.

"The Winchesters, if you haven't noticed, don't like me very much."

Crowley sat beside Emma. She huffed looking at him. Her body hurt, mostly her back, and it made her a bit testy.

"Well, you're the King of Hell. You're hurt people that they loved, people that they cared about. So of course they're gonna have a problem with you..."

Emma said looking over at him. That's when she noticed that his expression was different. He seemed hurt, almost.

"But... even though you're an ass, a really, really big one. I know that people can change. Even demons, angels, I've seen it."

She told him causing him to snort and shake his head.

"Yeah, well, I'm one of a king darling."

What she did next Crowley never expected. Emma reached out and caressed Crowley's cheek. Her fingers coming out and rubbing against his bushy beard.

"What are you -- "

He started to ask seeing Emma drawing closer to him. He froze when he felt her lips on his cheek. His eyes fluttered for a moment until she pulled away. He looked at her. Wasn't she angry with him? She had to have been the most confusing human he had ever had the chance of meeting.

"You're King of Hell again. Make sure it stays that way."

Emma said looking into those amazing brown eyes of his. Emma felt her stomach turning upside down causing her to remove her hand.

"Now, you should probably go before Cas realizes we're back. I'm going to take a shower."

She said removing her hands and standing back up from the bed. Crowley quickly rose himself. Emma glanced at Crowley and seen he was looking at her. Right as she was going to open her mouth to speak, he vanished right in front of her.

Blinking several times Emma sighed and turned around to go take that shower.

"Abaddon is dead? You're sure?"

Cas asked for the hundredth time. Emma sighed drying her hair off with the towel as she walked around the livingroom. She had been rudely interrupted by Cas while in the middle of her shower. Needless to say, he seen more than he wanted to see.

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