It Never Ends

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Emma sat in silence in the bunker. Castiel laying in bed lacking his usual apparel. Emma's hand in his as she held him. Biting her bottom lip she sighed and traced his palm with her fingers.

The fight against Lucifer seemed to have left him broken. Emma was beyond saddened by her friends tragic turn of events.

"She can heal him right?"

Dean whispered from outside the door. Emma felt her breath hitched in the back of her throat. Dean was so sure she could heal Cas since she knew about her angelic side now. But she didn't think I was that simple.

Because with the Winchesters nothing was ever that simple.

Emma closed her eyes. She rose from the bedside where she sat, Cas had yet to move or show that he was still in the vessel aside from the small moment in the chapel. Since then he hasn't done anything.

The door opened and Emma turned around seeing Rowena walking in with a bowl full of things.

"You alright dear?"

She asked. Emma nodded watching closely as Rowena placed the bowl at Cas's feet.

"You're going to heal him?"

Emma questioned. Rowena shook her head.

"Not me, dear, but you."


Emma questioned watching as Rowena sat the bowl in front of her. It was filled with flowers. They were all different as she just looked at them.

"Yer an Earth Angel. Ye can heal through spiritual efforts."

"Spritual healing? Seriously?"

"Focuse yer emotions on a flower. Put yet good thoughts, energy, every happy memory ye've ever had. Focuse it all into that flower and then -- well, Castiel here will be healed."

"You're joking right? There's no way this is gonna work."

"What have ye got to lose but a wee bit of time?"

Rowena said tossing her a smile before she made to leave the room. Emma stood still looking at the different flowers. Tulips, dandelions -- but one caught her among any others.

"Roses are red,"

Emma said plucking the rose from the bowl. She looked it over before looking down at Cas.

"And so is blood."

She took a seat and clasped both hands together over the stem of the rose. She then placed her cupped hands against her head as she lowered herself to her knees, resting on the floor, proped against the bed as if she were to pray.

But she wasn't praying.

She was doing what Rowena said and pushing every good thought and emotion into the flower.

She thought about all the fun she had with Sam and Dean.

She thought about Bobby and how they enjoyed their small talk.

She thought about how she came to have Cas as a friend and how she begun to love that stubborn angel.

Peeking open an eye she noticed nothing was happening. She huffed closing her eyes again.

She thought about Crowley.

A small smile came to her lips.

She thought about how stubborn he was. About how he showed he cared for her. About how she found his manners something she loved about the demon. The way he carried himself. The way he looked at her. The way that he'd do anything for her and she'd do anything for him.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 09, 2019 ⏰

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