Chapter 19: Loving Like Teens

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Luke's POV

"Maria?" I call out to her as I watch her peacefully sleep in the armchair a few feet from the end of the bed. Even with one whole side of a bed there just for her, she still decides to curl up in my armchair with the blanket that I use each night. It was a blanket that my Mama had knitted for me just before she had gone missing... I use it as an extra cover on cooler nights.

Sighing, I approach Maria, placing my hand against the small of her back a crouch down in front of her.

She's so beautiful when she sleeps... I can barely even sit here still without wanting to stroke her locks and plant lustful kisses on her sweet, reddened cheeks.

Suddenly, her body begins rustling from underneath my blanket and her soft green eyes blink open in surprise. "What are you doing, Luke?" she groggily questions as she stirs awake and sits up in the armchair. Coming to a full sitting position, she winces in pain, placing her hand on her back shaking her head.

I shake off the feelings and take a stand with a slight chuckle. "Back pain is bound to happen when you decide to sleep in an armchair trumps sharing a bed with your husband, you know..."

Not even bothering to protest against me, she flips the blanket off of her sore body, exposing the small baby bump that is growing each day. She places a hand on the bottom of my swollen stomach and with the help of the armchair, stands up and walks over towards the bathroom without a word.

"Just wait," I chime, dashing into the closet towards her side and begin rummaging through the tedious amounts of clothing she owns. I shake my head disappointedly as I come across all the slutty dresses she owns, like the one she wore at the club that one night, and the other navy blue dress she wore when we first met, right before the day we got married.

I should toss these, I ponder to myself, knowing that if she wears these, someone is going to think that because she is showing so much skin they get to touch that skin with or without her consent.

Finally, I pick out a pair of black maternity leggings that was gifted to her by my Aunt Camilla, and a sweatshirt Maria had collected from the school of Harvard before she knew that going to university would no longer be in her future.

Folding the clothes up neatly in my arms, I begin my way out of the closet and head into the bedroom once again, finding Maria is no longer lingering around her safe little arm chair but in the bathroom.

"Maria?" I call out as I bring my fist to the door and give it one knock before I stop, suddenly hearing some choked-up sobs from the inside. I shake my head and sigh, letting the neatly folded clothes fall in a pile over my arms, "Maria, please open up..."

Maria's POV

How could he do this? I know I ran from him and all, but that was to protect the baby, OUR baby! If I had stayed any longer I probably would've been killed along with this poor, innocent life inside me growing each day.

I was already dragged away from my the safe haven I tried so very hard to get to, the place that I thought my baby would be born in and have a good life without any 'Mafia training' or being forced to marry some other man or woman from a mafia that could make Luke's bigger than it needs to be!

He cheated on me once- the night of our wedding- then he thinks as soon as I'm gone again, he can go ahead and stick his stupid dick in whichever woman he pleases. But I shouldn't care, no, because he's probably said himself: there's always someone else out there for me to screw, someone prettier, no doubt.

Hastily wiping back the hot tears threatening to pour down my ghost-white face, I push the trash can with the few used condoms in it, letting it fall to the ground and spill out all over the tile, shiny flooring. I toss away the wet strands of hair falling in my face and cup my shaky hand over my mouth, trying to keep the sobs erupting from out of the bathroom and to Luke's ears. It doesn't even work in the slightest, though when I hear a firm knocking at the door.

"Maria?" he calls out, his voice seemed calm now, despite the raw anger he clearly voiced towards me yesterday and all the days before that. He knocks again, gently this time, whispering, "Maria, please open up..."

I shake my head, pulling the towel draped around my wet body from just having showered, and call out, "leave me alone, Luke... Just- just go away and leave me alone..."

But of course, he opens the door, going against everything I just told him because he's Luke Sanchez, and Luke Sanchez can do whatever he fucking wants!

I cling to the towel tighter, being sure that nothing is exposed for his eyes because from now on, he will never see my stupid, fat body again!

"What's going on?" he asks as he clicks the door shut behind him then makes his slow, careful way over to me. I grit my teeth angrily together as he takes a seat beside me on the cool floor, extending a handover and trying to touch- even graze my shoulder, but I deflect it and look the other way just so he can't see the tears springing in my eyes.

I keep my teary eyes hooked to the bathtub, wishing that I were in there right now, bathing in my own blood, and instead of breathing air, my lungs were filled with bloodied water, stealing my last breaths so I don't endure any more suffering.

"How could you?" I finally gasp out and whip my head right around towards his stupidly handsome face that I wish I could just jab my fist into and scream at him how much I hate him but love him at the same time.

He frowns, but that frown quickly fades when he sees the condoms from the trash spilled out all over the floor. "Maria..." he sighs as I get up from the floor, pulling the towel tightly around my body. He gets up too, reaching for my hand and pulling me back.

Falling back into his chest, I shake my head, wishing he had just laughed at me crying and told me how worthless I am instead of trying to make up for it. I don't want to have anymore feelings for this man- he cheated on me for fuck sakes!

I push him back and grab the baggy clothes he has picked out for me and turn, beginning to dress myself so I can get away from this asshole.

"Just wait, Maria please let me expla-" is the last thing I hear before I slam the bathroom door shut and bolt out of the bedroom.

Maybe if I'm lucky, he'll decide that when I've finally had this baby, I'm no good anymore and that he should just kill me. No doubt that's what he'll do...

I turn the corner towards the stairwell, not even bothering to look back and see if Luke is running after me. I begin trudging down the carpet stairs and cling to the railing in fear I'll go crashing down. That isn't what really scares me, though, it's the screaming of "someone help me!" that really wakes me up.

Rushing down the stairs in sudden confusion, I quickly reach the door and swing it open. And all the colour drains out of my face when I see a bleeding, pregnant Bethany on my door step.

What the fuck did Luke do?

Unwanted Love (ON HOLD)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang