Chapter 17: Untraceable?

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3 months later


We've been looking for her non-stop these past few months. There's been lots of close traces but they just went no where.

We know she left her car at a dealership, stole 1 million fucking dollars from me, and left the city by bus. And now, she's completely untraceable.

I kick back in my office chair and watch the security tapes play over and over again, watching Maria's every move: from her exiting her car, going to the bank to getting on a bus.

"Wait! Play that back." I yell to Cody.

He plays it back and I see the name of the bus. "GreenPort Transportation," I read. "Find video footage of her there.. But I think it's safe to say, we're going to GreenPort." I confirmed.

"Alright, should I make a team of guards up?" Asks Cody.

"Yes.." I say, getting up from the office chair with pure satisfaction. Then I turn back towards him. "Oh, I forgot to ask. How's Bethany?"

Cody smiles, "she's due in 2 months. I bought a nicer apartment for us to raise him in."

Cody and Bethany got married after finding out she was pregnant with HIS baby, not mine.

They found out it was a boy not that long ago and are currently preparing for their new arrival.

I'm happy for my best friend, but it honestly makes me so upset at the same time.

All I had done for the first month was lay in bed and cry after I heard she left. I missed her, and I was scared I was going to miss my baby's birth.

I just want to find her and bring her home where she and the baby can be safe.

They have to be safe.

Maria's POV

"Err, err, err, errrrr."

"Shut. Up!" I yell, slapping my alarm clock, then looking at the time in red, bold numbering. "Time for work.." I sigh out.

When I moved to GreenPort, I wasted no time getting a job. I had a baby due three months and was still determined to go to med school, so I worked during the day, and took college courses during the evening.

I had a ton of credit from high school so I was only required 2 years at college before going to med school.

I work at the grocery store as a cashier and it's great! I've made a good friend and we always have the same shifts together which makes it that much better.

I also might've found a potential boyfriend. He's the manager of the store and we are always talking to each other, well, flirting more the less.

I think he could give me and my baby a good life, a safe life. I'd just be happier with him then I would be with with Luke.


30 minutes later and I am off to work in my second hand car.


Once I was at the store, I head to the locker room to put my purse away.

"Hey, Maria!" I hear Noah, the manager call out to me.

I turn around, "Hey Noah!" I greet.

"How are you? How have you been feeling?" He asks.

"Well, morning sickness I pretty much over but the baby is starting to kick a lot. I'm just happy that it's healthy though." I reply.

He smiles and kisses me on the cheek sweetly, wishing it was my lips instead. The last person to kiss me like that was Luke, and I rather it not be.

"Alright, well I was thinking since you had this weekend off I could take you into the city, we could have a nice dinner, and I could take you to the nicest hotel and undress you. Then, we could do you whatever you'd like.." he whispered seductively into my ear.

My cheeks turned red at the thought. I had only ever had sex with Luke, and I'm pregnant with his baby. Should I?

I looked away, "I- I'll think about it." I said and walked away.

I headed out of locker room and into the warehouse to see the cashier schedule.

"Hey Mar Mar!" My friend, Laura called.

"Hey Laura." I said, briefly and went back to the schedule.

"Just wanted to tell you that my breaks at 11, same as yours. I was thinking we could sit by the security cameras in Noah's office and scope out the hot guys. For me of course, you and Noah seem to be a thing." She said excitedly.

I smiled, "I'll be there."

"Great! See you then." She said and happily walked off to whatever she was doing.

I looked at my watch, "Alright, till for 3 hours then break. Damn, I'm already hungry." I said and went off into the store.


11 o'clock

"Mmmm, this ice cream is soooo good!" I groaned with my mouth full.

"Mhmm, Noah is the best!" Laura moaned.

I kicked back in Noah's office chair and watched the security monitors closely. "Hmm, he's kinda hot." I mentioned.

"Yeah, Id hit it." Laura said licking her spoon clean, then tossing her empty cup into the garbage.

I laughed, "you said that to every "hot" guy that has entered the store."

"Yeah, but I don't really mean it, I do want something serious." She said simply.

I nodded and got up from my seat and to throw my empty cup out.

As I was scraping the leftovers out, Laura gasped.

"Oh. My. God. Sex on legs!" She screamed.

I laughed again, "Give me the details." I said, still turned away from the monitor.

"Brown hair, caramel skin, bright blue eyes, about 6'4, very, very jacked." She explained, "I wonder how big-."

Then, it hit me. I turned around to look at the monitor and saw him. Luke.

He was standing with Noah and they were having a very in-depth conversation. It seemed friendly for the most part. God I hope it is because Luke is HUGE compared to Noah who is only 6'0 and is fairly limber.

They shook hands and started to head this way. To his office.

I turned to Laura, "I- I don't think the baby likes the ice cream, I'm gonna go home. Tell Noah I wasn't feeling good." I said and left in a hurry.

I ran into the locker room and pried the stuff I wanted out of my locker and into my purse.

Quickly closing it shut I took the back exit out to the employee parking lot.

I got in my car, started it, and drove to my apartment.

"Oh god..." I said to myself as I wiped my tears away. "I can't go back there.. I- I can't.."

Once I arrived back at my apartment, I locked the door, closed the blinds and went into the kitchen.

"That bastard!" I screamed, throwing a lot plate to the floor out of anger. "He's going to ruin my life again..." I cried.

I crumbled to the ground and began to cry again. "Fuck... He's going to find me.."

As I was crying on the ground, my phone started to ring. It was Noah. I picked it up, "Hello?" I answered.

"You're fired, effective immediately." A gruff voice said.

It didn't sound like Noah. "Who is this?" I asked unsure.

"Your husband. I found you, you stupid bitch. I bought the store from your "boyfriend" with an offer of 10 million. He took it and left with Laura. It seems as if they're "together"."

He said with what could tell, a smirk on his face.

"N-no.." I gasped as another tear slipped from my eye.

"Oh, yes... You're coming home tonight baby." He laughed.

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