Chapter 4: I do

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Maria's POV

I eventually cried myself to a deep sleep after Luke and I's fight. All night long I had tossed and turned being too scared to let my guard down and have him come into this room. That was the last thing I wanted.

In the morning, I wake up to a loud banging noise on my door. I instantly pull myself out of bed and straggled on over to the door. There at the door is Luke standing, his arms crossed across his broad chest and staring down at me angrily. "What do you want?" I spit, keeping the door only a quarter of the way open.

"Watch your tone Maria, I'm still in charge here." His voice is all low and husky from just having woken up. If I weren't furious with him right now, I'd tell him to come in and just talk to me in that voice of his. Yep, just talk nothing else.

I roll my eyes, "Well?" 

He gives me a dirty glare, then continuing to say, "you need to get ready to leave, the wedding is today you know." 

"Yeah, I know." I slam the door in his face and proceed over to the bathroom. Just as Im about to get ready the door swings wide open, again.

"Did I not clarify that IM IN CHARGE!?" he yells at me so loudly my spine crawls with fear from the new tone in his voice.Luke tightly grabs my arm and drags me into the kitchen.

"Let go of me you animal!" I scream as I struggle to get free from his grasp. Eventually it annoyed him so much that I was served with a painful, cold-hearted slap across my face. Then he lets go of me and I dash off and head outside to where my cars parked. I hop in and drive all the way to my parents to get ready for the wedding.


3 hours later

I'm ready. Ready and scared shitless.

When I get to the wedding I see dozens of guards everywhere, their fire arms hanging from their belts.

Now, the moment has come... I take my my fathers arm and he walks me down the aisle slowly towards Luke. He's wearing an expensive suit, that's for sure. His thick, brown beautiful hair has been combed out, giving him an almost prince-look. But he's not a prince. He's an arrogant asshole is what he is. So I'd better snap out of it before I get into deep waters I can't swim out of.

As I dreadfully take the last steps down the aisle we arrive at the alter and my father lets go of me with a simple kiss upon my cheek before handing me off to a guard who helps me up the platform. I turn towards Luke and notice he has a gun tucked in his suit jacket, only having it exposed this once. Like most weddings, I try to take his hands when he reaches out for me. Instead, he just takes a small pad of paper from the guard next to me and leaves me there looking like a shaky-hand idiot.

His face is now holding a cold glare. I looked to the ground the whole time too scared to make eye contact with him because those blue eyes of his could possibly kill me. After awhile we get to the "I do's".

"Luke Zachary Sanchez, do you take Maria to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Luke looks towards me and nods back at the minister. "I do."

Oh shit, my turn...

"Mafia Gabriella Andre, do you take Luke to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Alright Maria... you can do this, just say it- say it for your family!

"I- I do...." I stutter out.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride," the minister announces. And just before I'm tempted to make a run for it, Lukes arm swoops around my waist and he dips me into a kiss so passionate I'm left wondering why he did the things he did..

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